New volume's released, and Touma's back in the fray!
Something tells me that all of this injury arc was made precisely for this grand moment. The brothers can finally switch roles
and show off their kid baseball gambits.
It's interesting how hard it may be to insert a powerful player into a team. Like, Touma and Sou are clearly the most talented pitchers in Meisei, however, their drawbacks make them unusable without suitable catchers. Natsuno seems to be more balanced, as he's both a decent pitcher and a decent catcher, and maybe he could work together with an ordinary catcher (unexistant in Meisei, of course, but still).
And yeah, it's even more obvious that the lack of suitable catchers is a fantastically stupid overlook. Maybe there'll be some new recruits come spring. Especially that this'll be the last Koshien summer for Tachibanas, and the team will need fresh blood for the coming years.
Reading this chapter I once again realized that I really do appreciate the focus on the sport in this manga. It's...refreshing. Baseball's fairly interesting by itself, and the famous
seishun doesn't have to rely on romance only, nor needs to make everything spin around it.