Modern MoGal if - Oni's Love Rule - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Oni's Love Rule (2)

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
Literally one of the most if not most common tropes. If that was a young boy and an older woman Id put money down on no one giving a shit.

if I remember how the school system works in japan (i think that's where this is set) you are looking at her being at the absolute youngest 15 and oldest 18, most likely 16 or 17.
forgive me if I couldn't possibly give less of a shit what people in the west who infantilize women think.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 13, 2018
I don't care about the age difference, but this oni girl is a bitch.
I prefer to know more about that cyclops girl.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Alidan, knock it off. It would be creepy either way.

What makes it absolutely worse is that we have an incredibly immature young girl, exploiting her powers as it seems that her parents have never told her "NO" before in her life. Also, we have a teacher who has no sense of boundaries who just caves in to anything this immature young girl wants, and what she "wants" puts both of them in serious trouble.

We already have the yandere type and that alone is terrifying on an older individual. But this, in the skin of an underage girl and on top of that, in a manipulative (her to him) relationship of someone who could be literally her father, all adds up to a massive sweltering mess of awful.
Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
I hope I'm not the only one who is disturbed by this relationship. It's a literal child and an adult who is supposed to be her teacher. @eviljackspicer is right, this is one mess of a fucking big "NO" for me.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 24, 2019
People are weird, but then again, the main draw of this comic series is thicc monster girls, so this fill-in arc would be outside people's expectations by a wide margin.
Double-page supporter
Aug 26, 2018
Poor Cyclops-chan... also blood for the god of blood.
Ps: it seems the yikes comments are just for sport by now
Oct 5, 2018
Wow, I didn't expect the comments section to actually have people calling this gross creepfest like it is. That's super refreshing!

@alidan It was really creepy and uncomfortable in Kobayashi so I can say with confidence that yes, I would be just as bothered by the reverse.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
@PickYerPoison lol, I have long since stopped caring when it comes to manga, almost all of it is aimed at teen agers to young adults, at least what we get translated, the young attractive teacher barely even registers as a creepy flag anymore unless the author is trying to raise those flags, and when they want to they can do that quite easily.

I look at it this way, aoc in most of the world either doesn't exist, or in more developed areas 14-16, there are a few pockets where its younger, one state in america has it at 13 but I haven't looked, and I think a european country is also that low. now you can look into the power dynamic of this person technically has more power over someone else so it can't be consensual, but the moment you start thinking that way you may as well take it to the logical extreme of there is no way to have penetrative sex without it being rape. The way I see it is this

1) is the author portraying it as creepy or are you putting your own feelings on it?
2) is the author portraying it as someone is taking advantage of the other?
3) are any of the characters at an age where this shouldn't even be a topic (you know, the actual definition of pedo)?

Then I see no real problem, a lot of issue like this come up with, the kobayashi example, an extreme difference in cultural norms. I'll give its creepy when consent is in question, but I also have a problem with refusing to allow someone else's agency. Had a friend in highschool where he dated a girl a year younger than him, this put them on that she is under aoc and he is aoc, apparently they had sex, and she was... well let's put it this way, after the mask fell he wanted the hell away from her, and she decided to hold statutory over his head for 3 years, even talking to a cop we can trust about it, they more or less said even if she was at aoc, it means nothing if the parents get involved, and she was everything if he left her. thankfully he is ok, and nothing happened when he went off to 'collage' and she dropped it after a month or so, but its the fact I know multiple people who got trapped this way (3rd hand knowledge, this was the one I watched 'up close' and knew the shit as it happened) that I see things this way. the only way this changes is if a character is forced to do something or agency is taken away.

The creepy element here comes almost exclusively from the girl showing some yandere tendencies.
Oct 5, 2018
@alidan the fact that you bring up age of consent is such a huge red flag tbqh. You shouldn't need legal definitions to tell you when someone's "too young." Remember, barely legal = almost illegal.

Consent and power dynamics are complicated topics and you're boiling them down to something unrecognizable so that you can dance around them. Your slippery slope argument doesn't make any sense - the existence of power dynamics in relationships and their potential effects on them in no way leads to any kind of argument for all "penetrative sex" being rape. (Also rape covers non-penetrative sex too - do you even know what rape is?)

Also, those questions you posed...those are kind of missing the entire point? It doesn't really matter that the author isn't portraying this as creepy or a power imbalance - those are just how it ends up. The author can try to make it as wholesome as they want, it's still a child student in a relationship with her adult teacher. "Pedophilia" isn't the only thing that's allowed to be creepy - age gaps in general are creepy, in particular when that age gap encompasses maturity and developmental gaps such as puberty, and graduation from the school system (which brings along with it an introduction into the adult world). The author is portraying the yandere parts as "cute and wholesome" too, so by your own logic you're not allowed to call them creepy.

Finally, your anecdote is nonsense and doesn't support any of your points. It's arguing for not dating below or near age of consent. Why did you even bring it up? Sucks for your friend, I guess, so I'm glad he got out of that. Hopefully he's alright now.

Phew! That was a lot. For someone who doesn't care about this in manga, you sure do want to defend your feelings. You like this arc a lot, huh?
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018
Deviantart SJWs apparently attacked the author, so he's not going to post it anymore over there:

If you think this is pedophilia, seek help. Log out of your social media accounts, put your cellphone on the charger, and go out into the real world until you get a grip on things. Trust us, no one cares about your moralizing. Go to church if you want to brag about how upset, creeped out, offended, etc you are at something.

I can think of like 3 manga with this exact same plot. You haven't seen anything between these two that's even remotely lewd, yet alone pedophilia. You don't even know her AGE, for christ's sake. (She's in class 1 in high school, so she's probably ~16 or 17. Hint: In Japan, he could marry her with parental approval.)

Keep your cultural imperialism to yourself, SJWs. Not everyone agrees with you or your beliefs. And you aren't the golden standard of morality which we all must aspire to.
Double-page supporter
Aug 26, 2018
@KiTA Hahahahaha man this is fantastic really some people are just incredible, amazing, wonderful, marvelous...
disgusting, revolting, repellent, repulsive, sickening, nauseating, stomach-turning, off-putting, unpalatable, unappetizing, uninviting, unsavory, distasteful, foul, nasty, obnoxious, odious.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
I need to add on to my statement. What annoys me the most is that all is that the artist takes the absolute worst aspects of a character interactions, place them in a situation that causes even more problems and attempts to pass it off as "cute" and "endearing".
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2018

She's a literal demon. Yes, her being all halfass yandere is cute, because you know full well if he pushed her too far she'd break down in tears and require headpats.

She couldn't even handle him calling her CUTE, for christ's sake.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2019
Dude... Go outside yourself. If you think this story is "normal", then you you read to much of these. Try to show this older people, that don't have social media accounts. They will tell you the same.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2019
That little one really is asking for trouble.

But the Oni race is a little sex fiendish.
Mar 16, 2019

This is pedophilia.

Last chapter it said the school was a senior high. In japan children in senior high are 12 - 15. So yeah. Its pedophilia bro. I think you need to reverse uno yourself and seek your own help.

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