Modern MoGal if - Oni's Love Rule - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Christmas!

Sep 28, 2018
I would really like if people would stop reading the oni chapters IF IT'S OH SO DISGUSTING FOR THEM. Maybe this will help you all to be happy instead of reading them and coming (every time) into the comment section to circle jerk about "how awful and immoral" all of the oni chaps are.
It's like hating coffee with sugar, repeatedly drinking it despite knowing that you dislike it and telling everyone about how awful coffee with sugar tastes, just stop. You would do everyone including yourself a favor.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2018
The robot slaves didn't cause such an uproar, I wonder why ( I really don't)
Jun 8, 2018
So you are saying it is not a thing and are "Inventing additional settings" yourself.
Way to question my intelligence when all I'm doing is defending something I like.
The fact is we know nothing about internal racial society for the many different kind of monsters and such in the series.

My basis of my "Argument" is that if people don't like something they can just drop it and move on or skip said sections that go against what they like.
If people are going to just keep commenting every chapter with the Oni because of this crap then it goes against simple critique and goes into complaining/trolling territory.
Get off your high horse.
And just because she can be seen as human doesn't mean she is one.
She is a mythical Oni brought into existence of a fictional comic.
People need to just leave if all they have is negativity.
You included.
If you didn't like my comment then ignore it.
Don't just comment me to say I'm an idiot.
It just shows how much of an "Idiot" you yourself are for starting this crap.

P.S: If people want to complain about things in a realistic light, they can complain about the gorgon basically killing a small child because he was annoying.
Mar 19, 2019
@Ixiaz Wow. Chill. I think, changing the cover to something tamer is a good compromise. But obviously no one will do that, because people find the complaints about the cover amusing.
May 6, 2019
lmao they literally look like father and daughter. hopefully this lame storyline is finally over.
Sep 21, 2018
Internet anonymity,as it implies that people are hateful in real life, where the lack of anonymity is holding us back from revealing our true colors.
Just a reminder to all the people screaming stuff from twitter to here to everywhere.
You are nothing but an act trying to spill hatred over either personal stuff, attention or boredom.

Try saying something constructive under the fake personas,at least then you won't come of as snowflakes who went on the internet for 10 minutes.

XOXOXO-Signed by I don't feed trolls
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
He saved her
He returned her to her parents and left to continue with his life.
Years passed
Reunited (with possible implication that it was her who look for him)

What part of this is grooming?
Dex-chan lover
May 20, 2018
He saved her, then took her to someplace to get her parents and said goodbye. Then years later when she got into his class in highschool she demanded to be his girlfriend. They did not interact between those times. So no it is not grooming. She just harbored a crush for her savior for years.
Nov 29, 2018
Easily the worst storyline in this series. This is supposed to be a comedy about monsters in modern times adjusting to culture. This pedobait only has horns. If it didnt say she was an oni, no one would know she was.

Teacher is taking advantage of what is clearly blind admiration. Any teacher would turn down the advances. Maybe hes supposed to be the monster for this storyline.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@TrueGoddessReincarnation: Which was not at all what your original statement in reply to me was about, and you have yet to answer me on which part of their history is 'grooming'

Shifting the argument when you got called out is also very scummy AF and you know it either way.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@WhimsiCat, It is grooming. The kid came back to a professional that teaches children about the world and decided to basically romance his student . The fact that you are comparing this breach of ethics with a comment is laughable sir! Laughable!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@TrueGoddessReincarnation: Oh look
Shifting the argument when you got called out is also very scummy AF and you know it either way.

EDIT: Maybe someone with rather sexualized image of a nun as profile pic shouldn't be preaching about 'ethics'
(and if you haven't noticed, my profile image basically say I don't care about your 'ethic')
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@WhimsiCat, insulting a real person over discussing a fictional one yet I'm being scummy? Did your parents not teach you manners? Anyway have a happy new year and feel free to reply to me I'm moving on. :) Nah after your third post (after this one) you are just asking for (you)s or being obtusely retarded on purpose.

You are using greentext outside mongolian boards this is how I know you basically never wanted to discuss anything but wanted to shitpost.
You like to play the victim rather than engage the topic obviously.
I didn't insult your parents I stated facts since you are acting like a child. (who you are into apparently)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018
So you are saying it is not a thing and are "Inventing additional settings" yourself.
That's not how writing works. Unless it was made a plot point by the author you have no reason to believe it is. Otherwise you can invent whatever other bs too and plug it in.

Way to question my intelligence when all I'm doing is defending something I like.
I am not questioning your intelligence - I am pointing out that your "argument" is flawed and ultimately works against your point, which I happen to agree with.

The fact is we know nothing about internal racial society for the many different kind of monsters and such in the series.
Where the author has not introduced a specific detail, the most reasonable approach is to fill it in based on reality, since that is the common point of reference, and the only one that doesn't require having to be spelt out. On the other hand, inventing plot points yourself is not an accepted practice (you are not the author) for a reason, and can easily lead to all sorts of bs conclusions.

My basis of my "Argument" is that if people don't like something they can just drop it and move on or skip said sections that go against what they like.
I agree with this. I do not agree with the means you went about it.

If you didn't like my comment then ignore it.
I do not see a reason why I should, I still stand by my decision to point out the inconsistency in your argument.

P.S: If people want to complain about things in a realistic light, they can complain about the gorgon basically killing a small child because he was annoying.
"People" did. The two are not exclusive.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
> insulting a real person over discussing a fictional one yet I'm being scummy? Did your parents not teach you manners?

Considering you choose to 'insult' my parents over discussing about this fictional situation (like, say, answer my question of your insinuation that it's grooming when it was her who approached him, or they he didn't keep her after rescuing her from the well)? I'll go with yes, you are scummy.
Apr 19, 2018
Man, this comment section is so salty. If you didn't like it. Just ignore it. And that's just fictional characters. Please calm down all. Okay

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