Modern MoGal - Vol. 4 Ch. 87 - Threat Level

Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@balenol @Afiaki
Errr... the IF chapters aren't exactly over, they themselves said that they simply wouldn't be updated on deviantart but on other platforms instead, not that they would cancel them altogether.
Nov 20, 2018
imagine having to be the guy that cleans the cinema after the movie and finding a bunch of bloody tails
Apr 1, 2019
Yes, I had read the same update as you so I knew that already.
What I was meaning is that the artist stopped their regular series to do the what-if chapters, and now they're updating the main series again. If there was nothing but support for the what-if chapters, they probably would have kept going with the what-if series for a bit because they clearly still want to expand that story more.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2018
@JavelinJoe as much as I meant it more for gags and the cool-factor, knowing these more realistic details kinda makes me even more interested to see it implemented in different types of stories. Examples like the backstory behind a character having a different looking tail, or a sad survival situation where the tail is used to feed someone.
Besides, it's not as much of a tragedy in the context of lizard-people in a modern society considering food isn't as scarce.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
...M-maybe a bandaid...? or would that intefere with it growing back....
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
The other downside is when it happens, it is shown as a sign of humiliation/weakness to the other lizards. Males especially will be effected by this, likely losing their position within their group.
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
But he’s smaller than his wife and he still shed just an inch less than her. I think she won xD
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
I thought they were dragons, not geckos? I mean, I guess dragons can technically be classified as lizards, but you'd think a mere scary movie wouldn't be enough to cause tail loss since there's no actual danger...or rather, given how strong they are, why the hell are dragons afraid of something like that in the first place?
Aggregator gang
Oct 10, 2018
Bringing reason of other commons sense from other fantasy stories into this fantasy stories OMEGALUL
it's fiction guys, why so bayed
Aggregator gang
Sep 25, 2018
@LIGHTSID3C00KI3 that's not entirely a fair comparison, humans are generally weak and CAN be killed by needles (depending on what's inside them), dragons on the other hand are supposed to be the big bad near the top of the monster rankings (pretty much at par with other legendary beasts with only things like gods, galactic calamities, and eldritch horrors above them), a horror movie which probably features ghosts zombies or crazy humans of such a lower tier comparatively that I wouldn't think dragons would be afraid of them...although I suppose it could have been something like a mad "hero" slaughtering all the dragons he can find as a targeted horror sub-genre or a Cthulhu mythos based story? after all, the movie posters shown in the previous panel aren't necessarily what they actually watched
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
She's not ugly. Her face isn't even that different from most of the other characters so I assume it's the body type or the species you're referring to. Regardless, bashing tastes in a monster girl comic for whatever reason is kinda missing the point.

Also she and her husband being a cute couple is more relevant to how often she appears than her appearance anyway.
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
Keep in mind the power level of dragons varies WILDLY over literally thousands of different fictional and mythological interpretations. And even within a single mythos not all dragons are equal.

In plenty of interpretations ghosts can sometimes kill dragons. You even acknowledge that some mythos have dragons killed by heros; some slashers are probably hero-threat adjacent. Someone like Jason, super strong nearly immortal with some mysterious ghost related abilities would be plenty threatening to even a Dragon in most cases.

Or consider something that's more supernatural/conceptual like It or Nightmare on Elm Street. Something that can manifest your fears or enter your dreams. Plus stuff with psychological elements that play on basic fears like paranoia or anxiety a la the Thing or It Follows. I don't even watch that much horror and I can think of plenty of examples. As a general rule a less clearly defined threat is usually scarier when it comes to horror, hence it's oftentimes difficult to say in absolute terms if they could threaten a dragon or not.

And regarding the needle example - if you subscribe to the trope of dragons having a single weak spot that an arrow or knife could kill them through, or a particular substance that weakens them, then they might fear a needle. But again, there are no universal conventions for dragons.

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