Sorry this one took a bit long too, I've been house searching which takes up more time than you realize.
I'd like to welcome @purplezpigs, who has agreed to help me with redrawing and cleaning! I'm very grateful for their work, I didn't have to hide any details on this chapter with fading white bubbles and it looks much better as a result.
I hope to revisit the previous chapters and fix the bubbles on those chapters, but it's definitely not top priority. I'm thinking of squeezing 1 old chapter between each release of the newer chapters. It shouldn't detract that much from newer chapters - I already have the text saved, I just have to reapply them on the images that have portions redrawn.
I've reworked my typesetting workflow so it's not quite as time-consuming of a process now, though it still takes up time. I'd still love to have someone help me with this - all you would need is Microsoft Powerpoint. Just comment here or leave me a DM and I'll talk to you about how I'm doing it. Thanks!