"Wow, how flattering, he said my body is fit for working in the sex industry. He surely values me!"
Well, people there tend to have good bodies I'd assume.
Besides, don't you just love it when they whisper things like that up your ear during sex.
I wonder if there are any 'normal' host club customers that don't get addicted, and just go there once in a while to rant (the same way some middle aged salary men would complain to some stranger about 'kids these days' or just at some bar or so), although that might be too boring to have a story about, maybe some middle aged women going with their 'mom friends' (not to cheat) like once every 3 months or on some holiday break but just to enjoy being in the company of younger men but clearly drawing a boundary/line (like no exchanging contacts/too much touching) since they're not delusional/already technically in a relationship
I've read many interviews of people who attend who from the interview seem extremely realistic about what it is and how fake it is. It still seems like a lot of money for not a lot of value though. But then again Hinano was also portrayed as addicted, though realizing well how fake it was.
I used to not understand it at all, as in I understand prostitution fine but trading money for fake love while realizing it's fake I didn't understand since love, unlike sex, does more or less require one to believe it to be enjoyable, but how some of those interviews described it made it make sense to me. Isn't it in essence quite similar to say listening to situation a.s.m.r. tapes or even reading fiction? Surely almost anyone who listens to those tapes is well aware it's simply an actor who doesn't even know the face of the listener, but it's quite exciting all the same. The way they described it at least this is simply a more immersive form. The price however seems quite high and it simply seems boring to me. But the thing with hosts is that one can tell them whatever one wants and they will act like they're interested, and even pay attention and remember everything. Not unlike many forms of psychological therapy and indeed, many also fall in love with their therapist, simply because it's the only person they encounter who listens to them.
like "I have no intention of meeting outside the club, you're not a rental boyfriend/i just need a break from my kids/life" (or even some ppl 'paid' to go into one host club to pump them for information or like stoke the flames of rivalry/competition being like "Well, your face is fine but X's club has better clothes" "The service here doesn't have as many options" etc lol unless every host club has some kinda 'base' requirement even if they're not all owned by the same chain/franchise or whatever)
Even when meeting outside. Many seem to be quite realistic about this. I recently spoke to a Japanese person who was asked on a date by someone working at such an establishment after visiting and claimed to have a good time and also knowing full well they simply do that to secure more customers.
“fake love" seems to be quite common as a thing to sell in Japan. Sometimes from real people but the business of scenario tapes is also quite high. It's also a common theme in fiction for relationships to start that way.
Perfect Scandal recently ended, but the entire setup was that they initially had some kind of fake, practice relationship because the protagonist needed it for an acting career and they actually went on dates and were excited about all that. “恋愛ごっこ” [make-believe romance] is a term that frequently surfaces. I was going to say I can't really imagine what the fun of doing that with someone one doesn't really have feelings for is, but then I remember that I actually asked some friends to wall-slam and chin-lift me at one point just to see what it was like and it wasn't entirely unexciting.
Host club drama aside, I'm surprised there isn't some cliche/stereotype of "Hot guy/slightly above average looking fuckboy specifically targets 'ugly' if not plain/nerdy girls because they're guaranteed to be an easy target/less likely to say no" or some bs, versus like "I grew up in an uptight religious household and went to college the first time and had a slut phase after my first sexual experience/overcompensating out of rebelling"
Host club clients often don't look all too terrible because it's embarrassing then I suppose. Usually one also specifically dresses up for the occasion. The point is to feel attractive.
The “70% statistic” is known to be flawed however. This statistic was gathered based on visits, not clients, so someone who visited twice as much was twice as likely to end up in the statistic. The absolute addicts who frequently use the sex industry to fund their addiction are of course more likely to work there themselves.