The message he sent in code was that. Send these fish. Because Earth is so desperate for the tax money, they sent the fish using the fastest way possible using a ship that uses the same engine as the one they required. He knew this, and that Earth would do anything to keep the money flowing. Thus, problem solved, he declared that he wasn't an Earthling anymore and they left the solar system for, likely, good.
Dude, stop destroying the mood, well btw the story in the universe, they know anything could happen, even more than half of this world, almost all were married to someone that already lost virginity. Also, I think he is smart enough to get her back from some thug, I don't think the people who got in government is stupider than someone in a rural area. And he is very smart to nor ruin his career while helping his important one.
@cromat What a shallow way of thinking. From his memory, he is pretty much dissatisfied with a government that takes other people's hard-earned money and drove them to suicide. He only worked in that job in order to get a chance to go back to that planet. And how do you know she is with another guy? She is the leader of the organization and there is no other guy appeared or mentioned in this so it is safe to assume she is single.
You are really sexist and immature for using that word when refer to a woman. What did women do to you that you have such a low opinion like that?
does it hurt you guys that im breaking the illusions you have about the "nice guy" getting the girl in the end and projecting yourselves into the shoes of the traitor dog?
@cromat I was assuming you were making a joke, ever since the "adpocalypse" now it's the "thot-pocalypse"? and very recent(?) we're having the "youtube verifica-pocalypse"? xD