Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 642 - Dread

Dex-chan lover
May 22, 2018
The point is that she was legit scared something was gonna happen to her. She basically KNEW it was gonna happen.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 10, 2018
Planning to do something bad in your head in great detail isn't a crime, otherwise I'd have been arrested repeatedly for thinking to do bad things to my local post office. Your own mind is your safe space, just because you think it doesn't mean you'll do it. Trying to get someone in trouble for what they haven't actually done is ridiculous.

Not to say she doesn't have a right to be terrified. She does.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Atsuro: Please don't use the strawman technique so soon. What I said is "Thinking of molesting someone is fucked up and wrong" and "If the dude thinking of molesting someone is really planing to do it, I hope he will be stopped before anything bad happens."

Anyone can think what he want but you'll need to have a REALLY good explanation to make me believe it's normal to think about molesting someone.

Anyway, I said I didn't want to start a debate, and even less a shitstorm, so this will be my last post here.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
What fantasy?
She imagines the pictures, but she can actually read toughts.
This guy is a serial molester and a human scum, and you are justifying him.
Please be better than that.

It's like seing someone with a knife running towards you sceaming "I'LL KILL YOU!": do you run away or you just stand there thinking "hey, he didn't commit any crime, I'm prefectly safe".
That's how dumb yout argument is.

@Atsuro @Igmk
It's not the thought, it's the intention (
You'll be sued a lot for real if you don't learn the difference fast.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@Garrett you're comparing "thinking about committing a crime" to "Brandishing a knife and threatening to kill others" and have the gall of accusing others of making dumb arguments.
I'm lmaoing @ your life.
Jan 18, 2018
No need to get excited, its just a fictional character who hadn't even done anything.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 27, 2018
Some people should read 1984 with the understanding that the book is not promoting prosecuting people based on thoughtcrimes.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Also no, I'm comparing a guy about to molest a girl that is able to clearly perceive his intentions with a guy about to stab a person that is equally able to perceive his intention.
A bit extreme, but a threat is a threat regardless of the medium used to convey it.

I'm sure your life of mentally raping girls is a lot more amusing than mine.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
thinking about doing a crime and actually doing it, has a line between them most people won't cross. And you can't get arrested for thinking, that is stupid. No matter how perverse or crime filled they are, until you act on those thoughts, there is nothing to be done. And we don't know if this person that thinks it, would actually go through with it either. Yes, it is disgusting, but there is nothing either Toda or the fmc can do about this.
Active member
Oct 2, 2018
@Garrett you know every time I see someone like you going off about this shit, it always comes out about half a year or so later that they've been arrested on rape or molestation charges with a shit ton of backing behind them, even moreso if they happen to be famous.

I guess the reason why you're so uptight about it is because that's how you think, and you're really fucking keen to project it onto everyone else around you. lmao what a fucking loser.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"A guy thought something mean, lets ruin his life."

I hope your socks catch on fire. While you are wearing them.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@Garrett since when has Nakano been able to clearly perceive other peoples intentions? All she's been doing so far is read peoples minds and she's not even completely convinced that ability is real. You're making shit up on the fly to support your fallacious argument.
Still lmaoing @ your life.
Jan 20, 2018
I was going to get involved in the argument, but in the last moment I decided that I have more productive things to do with my life (heck even watching paint dry is better than try to argue with the sjw thought police - at least I am not losing braincells then), so I am out.
Active member
Mar 31, 2018

It terrifies me you can't tell the difference between thinking of a crime and making an active plan. Thinking is not a crime. Planning a crime is a crime when it involves things like stockpiling ammo or explosives materials, not thinking about it.

You may say you won't debate, but that's just dodging around the fact that you are wrong. Objectively wrong.
Jun 10, 2018
This is actually a very interesting and complicated issue.
The guy's thoughts definitely aren't healthy. Everyone thinks things they don't mean (even Mana in this very series), but he's apparently reveling in the thought of molesting a girl and making her cry, which is taking things to another level. People who spin such long and detailed trains of thought about terrible things are certainly closer to actually doing them than those who do not.
On the other hand, no matter the length or detail, thoughts are definitely not considered a crime. Preparing to commit a crime would be him physically reaching out towards her, not merely contemplating the idea. Let's not forget that controlling one's thoughts is a lot harder than regulating one's actions, especially when someone's tired or is under other types of mental stress. There even exist therapies involving shouting your grievances into an empty, sound-proof room, with the obvious assumption that even if some nasty words are said about someone, they'll never hear it. This guy would, unsurprisingly, never consider the possibility that the girl in front of him is a telepath; if she would merely look him in the eye right now (I'm not saying she can or should though, she's too terrified to begin with), that would more than likely shut him up for good.
Also, we must consider once again how Nakano's powers work in situations like this. She usually hears/sees the thoughts of others as if they were talking, right? But thoughts do not actually work that way. For instance, if in a burst of anger, I think "Man, what would I give to punch your face in a few times!", even while this thought forms inside my head, an "undercurrent", a feeling of guilt joins it almost immediately. Even as I think these thoughts, deep down I know they are not right, and know that actually doing this would accomplish nothing. Thing is, however, that as far as we can tell, these aspects of one's thoughts are NOT picked up by Nakano's powers, especially when they are not accompanied by any sort of imagery. The guy in question may or may not actually be as enthusiastic about molesting her as his surface thoughts would suggest. Disturbingly enough, we might never know until he actually tries to go through with the deed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
I love how ya'll tring so hard to justify molesters.
But yeah, I'm the pathethic criminal here.
Cool story brah.
I just wanted to believe that most people here were cool guys with morals, but I guess I was wrong.

Hello? She's been reading thoughts since chapter one?
The fact that she doubts herself does not cancel the fact that she proved her best friend she is able to read thoughts without fail.
Stop bullshitting yourself.

Time to block some people, I guess.
May 23, 2018
Nice to see it's brainlet hours in here. Is the guy a scumbag? Definitely. Does he intend to actually go through with his thoughts? Wouldn't actually be surprised at all. Is he legally responsible for anything? Not just yet. As long as there's been no attempt to do harm (it doesn't have to be the fait accompli), no legal measures can be taken. And he hasn't attempted to carry out any of his thoughts as of yet.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2018
i watched that tom cruise movie, I KNOW you can't just judge someone before they've done a crime, but I'd gore anyone like this with me horn.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018
@Garrett Yeah she can read thoughts but she can't "Clearly perceive intents" just because someone is thinking something doesn't mean they intend to do it and punishing people for wrongthink is something that should stay in Orwells book.

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