Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 645 - The Difference

Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2018
Toda wants to fuck Nakano because he harbors romantic feelings for her; his thoughts never expressed an intent to harm her and he only desired a willing partner during his fantasies. "Creep" only wants to molest her because he had a bad day and there was the likely possibility that he would carry out this desire, whether or not Nakano's willing. "Creep" also could have molested other girls prior to this moment.
Double-page supporter
Jan 22, 2018
The big difference here is that Toda's just an hormones-filled teenager who fantasizes about his crush without ever trying to act upon his (pretty tame) delusions. Nakano was reasonably creeped out at first (it's kinda unrealistic that she'd never perceived similar thoughts from other people before, but this was probably the first time they were directed at her) but over time she realized Toda was more than just a pervert, and that he really appreciated her for being able to understand him; with this slow realization, she fell for him too.
On the other hand, we have a random guy on the bus which we know nothing about, except the fact that he's clearly an adult, and maybe someone with an unstable mind, who starts imagining how nice it'd be to violate her right there on the spot, and he may turn his thoughts into action at any moment.
Really, thinking this is all about looks is just plain silly.
Jun 10, 2018
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but Toda's fantasies never involved raping Nakano or in general doing anything to her without her consent. That's I believe a fundamental and important difference between him and the guy on the bus.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 17, 2018
If the one thinking lewd things anout you is the one you like you find it "Ah sht here we go again"
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Let's remember, she was totally creeped out by him at the beginning.

However, Toda never actually seemed like he *would* act on those thoughts. She had no reason to necessarily believe that bus-molester-kun *wasn't* going to act on those thoughts. The way it reads implies that he's done it before.

One is creepy and gross but not an actual threat to her body. The other is creepy and gross AND a legitimate threat.

If Toda had suddenly cornered her in a class room and started thinking about how "She wouldn't kick up a fuss if I just did it," then there'd be a legitimate threat and she'd probably react just the same.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
That's one controversial topic.

All I can say is that a person should never be judged by their thoughts alone. Actions can be moral or immoral, but not thoughts. Obviously she still has the right to be creeped out by what she heard (mind readers make this complicated), but that's something else.
Aggregator gang
Jul 3, 2018
Considering all of your perverted thoughts have involved consent, Toda, I think you're probably in the clear on that.
Group Leader
Apr 17, 2018
@eviljackspicer But revealing that she's been reading his mind would destabilize one of the foundations of their relationship-- he (and his sister) thinks that she can actually read his facial expressions. At this point, it shouldn't matter much, but she's got enough insecurities already that she probably thinks it'll jeopardize what they've got.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2019
@Fluffyfish they comment on this fact a few chapters ago with the fact that Nakano doesn't want the guy to get in trouble because he didn't actually do anything. It's the dilemma of thought and action, especially cause the guy is never really shown, and we'll never know if the guy was gonna act on those thoughts (btw, in this case, I think it would have been probable as the guy says: "huh? she isn't alone? isn't she too young for a boyfriend?" (Ch.643) but we'll never know). I guess you could compare it to someone whispering creepy shiz into your ear, but in this case, without restraint and unbeknownst to everyone else, a lot more creepy, but because it's thought, not really punishable.

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