Wew, while I'm extremely disappointed in her as a person, considering she literally didn't grow as a person and kept it a secret from her lover, I think this was a great secondary way of tying up the confession about her ability. Mana was best person as usual. Toda was great. Happy they finally wrapped it up, even though it was pushed back into the epilogue.
We never even saw them as a couple in the main story and here there was nothing different about how they interacted either, so there has been no relationship growth except mentioning that they have off-screen sex. Mana not knowing about any of this 3 years in does show they rarely speak, so maybe they hang out once per trimester?
Oh well, guess some things are too much to ask for. The author kinda made it clear with taking 700 chapters for one confession and an epilogue for the second confession, that they really didn't dare write any post-confession materials. That's why the characters are the same as they were '3 years' ago. It's been pretty 'safe' writing this story since the only drama was when Mana cemented croissant is best girl, but I guess not taking any risks means we did get a pretty lightweight and mostly wholesome romcom story. Really enjoyed it.