Move Hentai icon in title to left margin? :rejected:

Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
Since quite a few titles have an excessive amount of characters that cause their icons to be obscured, would it be feasible to move the Title’s flavour Icons to the left hand margin, before the flag seems probably the easiest? (Edit: this may also be a bug in how one of my devices’ browser handles displaying the “H” tag, I’m going to have to try to replicate it . I do still think having the icon remaining stationary in the layout would be nice since it wouldn’t be subject to being pushed by the title)

e.g. 🎅 🇯🇵 Oh, I Wish I Were (search results) or 🎅 📖An Oscar Mayer Wiener 🇯🇵 ( index/follow pages)
instead of the current layout e.g. 🇯🇵 That Is What I’d Truly Like to Be 🎅

Granted at the moment, it would only benefit the subset of users who have "View-All" for Hentai enabled, but if the DJ tag (or other future title icons) is ever implemented again that genre would also benefit from the revised icon placement and as would the proposed “v5 ‘H’/non’H’ rating system”

Somewhat related, if search by chapter-quantity won't easily integrate with the current setup, would a simple manual tag denoting "no chapters" by a power-user or mod level privileges be possible? This dearth in chapters could be reflected as an Icon beside the title in the same scheme as DJ, H, et cetera allowing users to easily identify such series visually if they come up in a search. As an added benefit it may even (imperceptibly) reduce page serves! On second thought bad idea

Cheers and wishing you a happy new year!
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Lexical This shouldn't be an issue anymore, I thought we fixed this in all cases where it was still left. It depends on the view, though, so if you find a specific case where the icons get truncated along with the title, let me know.

As for the "no chapters" tag, we had that early on but removed it because of how dumb it was. "No chapters" in what language? All of them? Because we're not going to be prioritizing English for no reason. The tag was also frequently just plain used wrong, as titles with absolutely no chapters didn't have it and titles that did have even English chapters had it. It's a nightmare to maintain manually.
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
@Teasday oops, I must've not being paying attention during that version of MD. After a good sleep, i have to admit the Happy:Heartache ratio for reactivating that bit of code isn't worth it.

As for the failure to display, after some quick tests I think I found it.
On the Lastest Updates section if the browser container is ≤ 990 px wide and the series's title is more than 540 px.
For some agents rather than a truncation, the container calls for a scrollbar instead of reflowing the text causing the extra words, 'H' tag, Group-Name, and upload date to be obscured.
For ipados and chrome. No scroll bar but after truncating and concatenating the '...' it doesn't leave enough room to display the 'H' tag:

[ul][*]ipad air 2 : ipados 14.2 Safari in portrait mode or split screen ( 768px ) truncates and concatenates '...' but 'H' tag is obscured
[*]windows 7 x64[ul] [*]Firefox 85.0b4 (64-bit) ≤ 1003 pixels wide, completely fails to truncate and reflow. Calls for scrollbar ( extraneous text, group name, tag, and upload date obscured )
[*]Chrome 88.0.4324.50 (Official Build) beta (64-bit) ≤ 1004 pixels wide truncates and concatenates '...' but 'H' tag is obscured
[*]Opera 74.0.3904.0 -- less than 842 pixels wide fails to truncate, calls for scrollbar ( extraneous text, group name, tag, and upload date obscured ) - OperaBrowser identification
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.27 Safari/537.36 OPR/74.0.3904.0 (Edition developer)
[*]Microsoft Edge 87.0.664.66 (Official build) (64-bit) chromium ( fails to truncate, calls for scrollbar ( extraneous text, group name, tag, and upload date obscured ) [/ul]

Home page and both behave the same
Most recent series that had a super long name was on with the name That Slutty Little Testament Form Brat! I Want to Teach Her a Lesson! (Fate/Grand Order) H
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Lexical Ah, yeah, if it's the updates page then I'm not surprised. That part of the code is ancient and bad, it uses <table> elements for god's sake. The whole thing is meant to be replaced eventually.

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