@Meridis But what I wanna see is people playing around those inherent restriction on skill.
How far you can alter a skill until it doesn't count as a skill anymore. As in, stopped getting the blessing and must do it yourself.
For example, what's the exact restriction for double-edged cut skill?
Do you need to hold the sword with your both hand to activates it? Can you activates it with just your left hand?
Do you do the exact animation each time you activates it? Like, the slash must be in a cross? Can you change it so you're slashing the same line twice?
Do you need to have both your feet on the ground and standing straight or is there some leeway to your posture on activating it? Can you activates it while jumping?
What even counts as a sword? Can you activates it with a broken sword? What about big-ass sword like Cloud's Buster Sword? Blunt sword? Sword with abnormally long handle?
There's some space for exploration there, instead of just going all-in and abandoning skill the MC's way.