It is actually a rather common practice you know. There are 3 ways you handle things like these. Either integrate it into the everyday lives of people, or outlaw it completly.
A great real world example of this would be gun ownership. To some, guns are just a tool similar to a fork, an ax, a hammer, etc. These people would be the members of the Black Magic Academy.
Then to others, it is a terrifyingly dangerous object that has 0 positive benefits, and abhors the idea of letting anyone own one or more of them, even if they pass all of the checks set in place, because there is always this unknown worry that said person could snap one day and kill someone with it. These people are represented by the parts of their world that ban Black Magic.
The third group do not dislike the concept of gun ownership, but also know and understand the legitimate worry about letting the wrong people have one. These groups will try to regulate and/or observe the usage and ownership, as well as make a set of guildlines and rulings for why, where, when and how things concerning gun control will work. This is all so that those who belong to one or even both groups can exist and be satisfied within reason simultaneously. The man setting the budgets here is a member of this group. He won't outlaw it if it can prove to have a positive use or benefit. But will outlaw it if it can't be shown to be worth the money.