Umm... I'm gonna just unironically answer and leg it out of this thread from sheer pressure of animosity.
7734. DO GLATEM LIVE, CREATOR OF ALL. best joke song ever
The Lion from the north. Der Lowe aus Mitternacht is such a cool name to be called by. Can't be wehraboo if i'm talking medieval hre lol.
The Price of a mile.
Swedish Pagans.
A lifetime of War.
Carolean's prayer.
Rorke's drift.
@EOTFOFYL idk, not necessarily I think. for example, the song Panzerkampf tells of how soviet union "stopped the nazi charge" on the eastern front, fields of prokhorovka specifically. And, panzer battallion speaks of modern Iraq conflict with US squashing extremist terrorists. Their naming sense is not quite right. They try to portray war from all sides. In 1648, they said "pain and suffering is all that Sweden brought", despite being Sweden themselves. Can't say there are no biases on their part, but hey they tried.
And for the one that said Sabaton is too niche, I have to disagree. They are the frontliner (is that how you use the word?) on Wacken 2020, some big metal music festival. What's niche is someone that likes metal AND is an otaku, I think. I don't like metal as a whole, no, but I just like few bands. Russkaja, Manowar, sabaton and that's it.