I'm surprised you think so. Personally, I think group A and B are the tougher groups. Not only are most of the songs pretty good, but also because they have one song more than the others.
Trying very hard not to turn this into 'old guy with a music degree rants.'
Some of this is personal preference; while I have a scoring system, there's a 'thumb on scale' factor built into that, and a number of the 'metal+hip-hop' entries aren't faring well in that column. I like (good) metal; I like (good) hip-hop. I don't really need both at once (and if I do, I can dig up Run D.M.C.'s version of 'Walk This Way'). Also not getting points there - drop-tuned guitars
and orchestral overdubs simultaneously. It's okay to pick a genre and stick to it, rather than trying to throw everything into the mix.
Another factor - a lot of 4+ (and even 5+) minute songs that don't feel like they've gone somewhere from beginning to end. Anytime I check the time remaining on a song because I just want it to be done, it's a bad sign. Some of this may be because the catchy minute or two of intro/verse/chorus for the end credits got written first, and didn't pad out well to a full song, but my inclination in that instance would be to just leave it as a catchy minute or two and be done with it. [I refer to this as the 'Bruckner factor,' named after 19th C. German symphonist Anton Bruckner, whose works can best be described as 'like Wagner with all the interesting parts removed, and dear god why isn't it over yet.']
Last one I'll mention - there's a difference between try-go-hard and
actually going hard. If it feels like it's right on the edge all the way through, it's trying too hard. 100% of the song going 100% gets tiring. Go 90% to start, and then surprise everyone with that extra 10% a couple times. [
Probably playing into this - too many people involved in the writing and production. This results in a lack of clear vision and focus about what the track should be, which leads to the two problems I outlined above.]
Well, that turned into a rant, didn't it?