I realize she’s not doing it maliciously but their relationship is really lopsided for the power dynamic and I don’t feel like their personalities enmesh that well. Hell, half the time it feels like Merii sees her like more of a plaything or pet than partner. I’d really they rather just stay friends.
@Renard I feel like Lorem could still win even if Merii managed to buy out all the current military power of people with the anti-demon stuff in stock she can readily afford. However, that is short term thinking. If Merii was the one funding research on ways to battle Lorem it could tip in her favor in the long run.
I kinda feel like even if Chii-chan failed her exam and interview Merii would just bribe the university with a large endowment to let her in anyway. @Human_the_2nd humongous hungolomghononoloughongous