Reading this makes me extremely uncomfortable, it's like witnessing something behind a curtain I don't have business viewing. It's not something I like to read at all, it makes my stomach hurt and my throat close up. Sometimes reading this seems like a mistake because this is around the third time i'm reading it over again. I never got past this part in my earlier reads and this has to be one of the hardest reads I've done solo for a while. I personally feel vulnerable and disgusted, I don't know how the artist and author managed that. Not even PunPun made me feel this distraught and sickened, I don't get how people actively enjoy reading this type of content. I read it because I thought this would be an easy fix, the guy tells her no and leaves but apparently it's deeper than that and that's the problem, i don't want this to be deeper. Each read is like willingly putting myself through hell, i'll update how I feel when I get to at least chapter 20.