Musume no Tomodachi - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Torn Up

Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
I read Bears translation not even for manga itself, but for credit pages)))
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2018
So what's the difference between "the start" and "square one"? Sounds like the same meaning to me.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2019
@orochijes: "Square one" means that they will start again from scratch or a restart, just "Start" means the beginning
Jan 26, 2018
Are you actually retarded, or are you just asking questions for the sake of asking them? I'm genuinely curious here.

To answer your question, both are rhetorical questions. A question mark would have changed the nuance of the sentence completely. Koto's father isn't asking the mother "hey is it summer vacation?" as if he's just woken up from a coma for 2 years and he wants to know the current season, he's commenting that "yeah its summer, Koto should be around" in the disinterested manner you'd expect from such a dysfunctional household. Same goes for Koto asking her mother in for tea. I know it's hard for someone with the brainpower of a slug to understand, so do you want translator's notes in the margins? I'm not sure how else I can hold your hand better, perhaps you should stick to using an OCR and google sensei for help in reading future chapters.

I might as well explain a bit on title choices, since that weird avatar in a hat is trying to hand-wave it off. I think some other commenter(s) have already written a bit, but there's a subtle difference in using something like "Starting Point", and using a term like "Square One". Square One is almost exclusively used in the phrase "back to square one", which is a term used to express a return to the original state at the beginning. In this case, the Japanese term for back to square one is 振り出しに戻る、which is taken from Suguroku (It has similar origins to the term back to square one as they both involve games). Sure, I could use origin, outset, any other words that express a beginning, but it's not as close as using "square one". This also ties in a bit to the retarded poster's question over question marks, because it's also a case of getting the nuance right when it comes to translating it into English.

For chapter 29, here are two rejected title choices:
1. "Shred"
2. "Rip and Tear"

Ultimately it was a toss up between "rip and tear" for the awesome doom memes the credit page would have had, and "tear up", which was later slightly modified to become "torn up" as tear might have been misinterpreted to being the leaky fluid coming out of your eyes, instead of the ripping motion.

You will note in all the choices there was a conscientious decision to include the idea of something physically being torn apart, and there is actually good reason for that. The Japanese title, 破棄, does have several meanings depending on the context it is used. It can be used to mean destroy as in, "Go shred (destroy)those documents", but it can also be used to mean destroy as in "to cancel(destroy) a contract/engagement".

So on the surface, you might think the chapter is in reference to MC's schedule being fucked up, but there's also a hidden meaning to Koto tearing her letter and ticket apart.
Group Leader
Jan 1, 2020
@irienanatsuki Very well... Merely the length of your answer has satisfied my curiosity regarding the cause of your desperateness to justify yourself when you are clearly in the wrong.... I had made no comment on the chapter's title but since you have taken the liberty you explain that as well.. I wish you luck. As for your kind information.. Did you even bother to look at the image I sent or did you jump the gun and took out one of the already compiled "explanations" in your sack of "Please-stop-bothering-me-and-understand-that-I'm-the-retarded-one-here" defenses...?
Jan 26, 2018
Oh ok, since walls of text stump you, I guess that means you're retarded. I'm both really sorry that you're that dumb, and also kind of impressed that you can use an internet forum at your level.

Hey, just for your kind information, I did bother to look at your images, because I do give a shit about the art of translation. If someone tells me I have an error you can bet your goddamn life I will take a look and see if I really did fuck up. And no, I didn't. Which I did already explain in the previous comment. Which might have been too much of a challenge for someone with your level of reading comprehension.

Here, I'll simplify it for you.

Me no wrong.
You put picture
Me check picture against source
It still not wrong
Me wonder why you do this
Me put title comparison because it related to your question
Me starting to think you dumb as rocks
Group Leader
Jan 1, 2020
@irienanatsuki Bro, Idc care abt the "retard" shit u keep throwing at me tbh.. but are you saying that the sentence should end with "isn't it." rather than "isn't it?" ... All ego aside?
Same goes for "Shall we have some tea together... mother...?"
And how the fuck did u conclude that I cared abt the title of the chap?
Jan 26, 2018
Hey retard, I didn't say you cared about the title of the chapter, I said I put it in there because:

a.) the other dude in the hat brought it up
b.) it's tangentially related to your question since both are about the issues of nuance in translation.

You would know this if you stopped and actually read my reply instead of trying... to... be... cool... heh... nothing personal kid... *tips fedora*

Yes, I don't see a problem ending a rhetorical question with a full stop. It's no different from when someone says "Would everyone please rise as the bride makes her way down the aisle.", or "Why don't you stop bothering me with all these retarded questions already."

Do you actually have any feedback that isn't made up in your mind, or are you... just... heh... gonna... teleport... behind... me... and sheath your katana like the fedora wearer you are.

See? I did it. I posed a rhetorical question that doesn't need to end on a question mark.
Group Leader
Jan 1, 2020
@irienanatsuki I won't reply now onwards not because I don't have things to say but because you are clearly the type who is adamant to prove the other person wrong no matter what even at the cost of logic and mutual respect.. Have a nice day ..or night.. depending on your timezone. : )

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