Let's try to say which at fault.
2 years not communicating with his daughter still give her money.
Work his ass off to continue paying bill, settling their lives.
Being scorned by assholes for what he did at work.
His daughter's friend had a crush on him and being assertive about it.
Still holding on to the point it's easier to jumped out of the roof or tied your neck with rope
Don't have a spine to fight back what's right, (heck corporate authority in society is solid, you know?)
Now, chasing the daughter who run with shady teenager not longer than a few months. And late to get work which is.... cut from salary which is used for feed the 'daughter'
2 years not giving a talk to her father due to her father work to pay for medical pay for her mother.
Condemning her father for 'dating' her best friend.
Thinking this world hate her for everything she struggled for. ( Not even asking her dad how's this father survived two years being called ass kisser for the sake of your 'depression')
Gullible and too trusting to shady character.
Keep bitching about the past. (Yes I know my opinion, but you must eat you know to stay alive. I can guarantee most people still consider eating important.)
Still asking for money is somewhere 20ish chapter (even though you hate him for granted)
Hating others being good at study. (Everyone have their own talent, go find your own, stop bitching.)
By the way @ me if you don't satisfied with my point.
Everyone can be at fault if you follow perspective, but this could be good value for us to be better human.