Everyone is talking about how thick this MC is, but I dont really see it. The Kuudere has really only sent one sign she has ever really liked him (that the standard otaku archetype like him would understand) which is that she liked childhood friends. But as I said, he is an otaku, meaning that he could just say "oh so she likes the childhood friend archetype, ok". She never once tells him she likes him, or goes in for a kiss, so of course he wouldnt just assume that she likes him, because what kind of asshole is that full of himself? The most important part of confessing your feelings is literally just about going up to them and saying "please date me" bam, end of story, after that its a simple yes or no. It isnt simple doing that, not at all, but its much better than just assuming that your feelings will transfer over through osmosis.
Though tbh im less concerned about how thick he is, and more about how if he even deserves the girl, because hes kind of a dick, and unconcerned with others feelings (thats just coming from his constant conversation about shit his male friend clearly doesnt care about, so maybe im wrong there).