Ugh i got a sugar schock like that time in highschool were we binged sodas in kfc refill untill we had to be hospitalized and couldnt sleep the whole night ..
The guy is so upbeat and friendly that the bullies don't have the heart to start targeting him and give going after Nishimura, but even that kinda seems to ease off. Its a nice fluff series for sure.
Hold on, Takada has the same expression as NIshimura in the new cover. Did he finally realize how much weight his words meant to her? Are they now a couple??
@kyoucha web chapters and magazine chapters are different and the volumes are a mix of both. So probably thanks to that? I assume the scanlation is using the volume chapters
I will follow these kids all the way through school, university, work and old age if I have to, because I don't want to miss a single moment between these two.
And Hino-kun too of course, can't forget his tank tops.
I still can't help to think that this manga is nothing but flashbacks, a reminiscence of happy memories told by Granny Nishimura to her grandchildren. Those black borders usually used for flashback after all.