My Death Flags Show No Sign of Ending - Vol. 3 Ch. 18.1 - Cooperation (Part 1)

Mar 21, 2020
@hearthboy then don’t read their TL and wait however long it takes KC to release their own. It seems they got a newfound interest in TLing and uploading this series when another person started dropping chapters so maybe it won’t be too long for you! :)
Dex-chan lover
Feb 27, 2020

Thank you! I had no idea you could block a group until you mentioned it.

There's a group that has fast releases with good English but inaccurate translations (to the point that it seems like they're sometimes just making things up to fit the art), and I apparently don't have enough self control to stop myself from reading them if they show up in my list. But now, I can just block them and have it be a non-issue.
May 28, 2020
@ShibaPalace I pray that every single piece of literature you read for the rest of your life is machine translated by a nine year old kid, since that is apparently good enough for you and all that you deserve :)
Mar 21, 2020
@stormflora and yet you’re still commenting on the page of a release of an “inferior quality” scan. How about you like just uhm move along?
I’d rather have something over what KC was providing us before these people started dropping chapters which was zilch. It’s obviously different for you but I’ve always been taught that 1 is more than 0.
And good on ya for not finding it sus that KC says they can’t put out chapters then hours after these TL drop chapters suddenly they can release the chapters themselves. Have a good day. :)
May 28, 2020
@ShibaPalace How ignorant can you be? This isn't the only project Kirei Cake works on. They have one single translator working on more than a dozen series at once. It is physically impossible for one person to cater to tens of thousands of readers at once across all of those series. They have been working on this particular series on a consistent monthly pace because that is the best they can achieve considering all of the series they have to tend to.

The only reason why they suddenly pumped out chapters is because they are trying to show that they have not dropped the series despite what readers think, and that they do have the capacity to quickly work on one series and push out chapters if they so desired. But that comes at the cost of every other series that they're translating suffering from the same issue of delayed releases.

Get off your high horse, and show some understanding. You, like all of the other haters here, are reading this for free and have no right to criticize someone for "not being fast enough". Trying to argue that somebody who quickly whips out something with Google Translate is better than somebody who has translated for years with fluency in the actual language they are translating is like arguing that some mom and pop fast food joint is better than a Michelin starred restaurant just because they can get the food on your table faster with a microwave.

Go ahead and try to deny you don't see dozens of releases by them each month. You'll just make a joke of yourself.
Mar 21, 2020
Oh, you’re still replying on a release you abhor? Shouldn’t you have moved along by now? As for KC maybe they shouldn’t bite off more than they can chew. This is not the first time this has happened with KC by a long shot.

Once again, have a nice day. :)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 31, 2020
Its a half chapter because the Raws is a half chapter.

To the people complaining about bad translation, you have not seen a genuine bad mtl translation.

I only saw two errors.
(It) is missing a T on page 4 for "It could have appeared more during the engagement arrangement" and (That) has 's after it on page 7 for "That won't be necessary"
No other noticeable errors that are jarring.
Even "Good" groups have errors like this with a Proofreader.

I would change the Front used though.
Mar 21, 2020
@Khulmach it’s mostly just KC simps that haven’t realized yet that they throttle down on releases. Then when another TL posts a new chapter suddenly they start posting chapters as well. They think every “snipe” is of horrible quality when I’ve seen scans from groups where they just paste the TL on the page messing with the drawings and don’t worry about cleaning it up.
It’s a shame KC has a monopoly on a lot of good series that are effectively dustbinned due to them taking on more than they can chew and their brigade on here going after anyone who picks up where they left off.

People getting their undies in a wad from pirates pirating what other pirates have dustbinned. What a world
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
LMAO it would be funny that instead of the father getting the hint that he wants to call off the engagement so badly that he's helping them go up on feet so that they wouldnt need an engagement at all, the father will instead believe that MC wants to marry his daughter so much that he's doing all of this.

Seems like making this particular MC annoyed at everything that comes his way sounds so entertaining LOLOLOL
Group Leader
Apr 7, 2019
@ShibaPalace Hmm, just wanted to clarify, KC never "dustbin" this series, the last proper release (before all this MTL mess) is two weeks ago: the Erica-centric chapter and the 4-koma, but due to MD ordering of chapters, some might have missed that, which is why I've been mentioning it in the chapter notes in the comments.

In this case, the accelerated release is due to the MTL/troll chapters, aside from showing KC haven't drop the series. The MTL chapters' been affecting the user perception on the series quality, evidenced by the drop of the series rating when it was first posted. And we pulled all-nighters for them. As a big fan of the series, it pains me to see that scenes I was looking forward to was MTL'ed with some lines even changed to memes for jokes and giggles, not to mention getting the character names wrong in many occasions.

@Khulmach The complaints might have stemmed from the first MTL chapter (by another person), there was a fully-MTL-no-PR Chapter 10 (that the uploader has since agreed to remove). My personal gripe with the current MTL group is that it seems they have no regards for the character names or established systems in the world, it's like they haven't read the past chapters. Last chapter they even decided to change the game hero name for some reason (AoT reference? maybe). I have also pointed out in a previous comment that PR'ed MTL, despite being readable, still runs a high risk of significantly changing the original meaning of the writing, resulting in unwarranted complaints for the series writing, with an example from the WN (these parts of the WN TLs are edited from MTL).
Jun 20, 2019
"oh my, do you noticed?"
me: no at all, i dont have any idea what is going on. TELL ME MOREEEE!!!

thank you for the translation

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