My Dog Becomes a Human - Ch. 18 - My Dog Becomes A Human (Outing Part 1)

Jan 4, 2019
So, this reminded me of a story I'd heard a while ago. Apparently, there was a dog park in some town frequented by a cat that would love to taunt the dogs. It was a little faster and more agile than the typical dogs that would be running around, so they would chase it and it would escape, running up a tree or through a hedge and away from them or something. A good time was had by all.

Until one day, someone brought their retired racing greyhound to the park. Greyhounds are built for one thing. Sheer fucking speed. And they are trained for the chase, spend their entire professional lives in the chase. So it gets to the park. And it sees that cat. And it's off like a grey meteor. The other dogs look like they're standing still, and the cat has the fright of its life.

By the time the anon telling the story even realized what was happening, the chase was over. The cat was a smear. The greyhound had finally won the race it had been running all its life, and was able to finally taste the reward. As a cat lover, I can't say I enjoyed the story much, but it's a good reminder how much variation there is between dog breeds.

Spay and neuter your pets.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2023
This one really brought back a ton of fun memories.

The first memory is that whenever we took our 3 dogs off of their leads they would each have a different reaction.
My first dog would just find the nearest patch of dirt, wet mud or cut grass and roll around in it; do so every time he got slightly ahead of us and then would wait for us to catch up.
My second dog would run away until he could just about see us and then run back, doing so again and again as we walked along until he tired himself out.
Our third dog would runback in between dog's one and two and then back to us unable to decided who she wanted to play with.
she would do this about four or five times before getting bored and tried to find another dog in the park to play with.

Thanks for the translation and nostalgia everyone at Infrequent scans

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