My Dog Becomes a Human - Ch. 23 - My Dog Becomes Human (Ayane's Troubles)

Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2023
OMG just date already!

But seriously this really reminded me of my first two dogs. My first dog was 3 years old when we got my second dog who was around 4 months at the time.

When it came to treats this is how it would work. Dog 1 slowly eats half of the tray and saves the other half for later and for other reasons.
Dog 2 scoffs the treat down in seconds. Then try’s to go after dog 1s treat, dog 1 would be relaxing with its paws coving the treat.

Dog 2 slowly moves forward on his belly inch by inch, keeping low to the ground. Dog 1 would notice immediately but not say anything until dog 2 was in nipping distance and let off the loudest bark.

Dog 2 runs out of the room in sock and peeks behind a corner to check if dog 1 isn’t chasing him.
Then after a few minutes dog 2 would make another attempt.
They would do this for a few hours until dog 1 got fed up of playing, showing its place in pack or protecting its treat and would just end up eating it begrudgingly.

Dog 2 eventually learnt his place about 2 months in, however we got dog 3 about 2 years later; she was 2 years old when we got her. This restated this progress with the treats, however dog 2 had picked up the habits from dog 1 and now the process began again.

Except dog 2 was really bad at it and dog 3 would usually end up getting his other half if the treat. Soon dog 2 realised he was bad at it and just began eating the treats in a few seconds to protect his food.

Thanks everyone at Infrequent scans for the amazing translation, laugh and good memories.

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