In honor of that excellent credit page, I too shall join the bandwagon: the daughter is actually horrible on many levels. Sure she is in the dark, but she also happens to be a moron. Abusive boyfriend? She sleeps with him anyways. Abusive boyfriend disappears and you seemingly face a stalker? Lets start hanging out with guys you barely know. Dad trying to be closer to you? Push him away.
She has done about nothing right and many things wrong, so it's fairly obvious that any general reader wouldn't like her. Since we are made to sympathize with her father, who is sacrificing so much for her, it only exacerbates the problem I think. After all he is making such sacrifices for a character we already don't like, and she continues to be unaware while treating her father relatively poorly.
Her personality itself is poor: she is abrasive with her family, she leads guys on (this entire arc atm is her letting a group of guys flatter and gift her things while not actually wanting a relationship), she would rather protect her (now deceased) boyfriend than let her father know the guy is an abusive jackass, and she has no real sweet upside to compensate for all this. They may eventually have her do something that gives her something positive, but really she's just accruing negative traits and not balancing them out with mitigating positive ones like her father or even a certain member of the Yakuza did. Even her boyfriend's father elicited more sympathy I would imagine from people, being someone who had his life basically stolen from him followed by his wife leaving him, his son being a sociopath, and then losing said son who was all he cared about in the world. Sure he did actually worse things than the daughter, but you could see some heart to him where the guy just wanted to look out for his son the way our protagonist is looking out for his daughter...that in losing his son he was completely broken and wanted nothing more than to die in the end.
It's telling when a villain who isn't right in the head can have a positive and sympathetic side to him while we have yet to really be introduced to such a thing for the protagonist's daughter. The Yakuza member who nearly caught her father and had to go on the run afterwards is even a far more developed and sympathetic character than either of them, and he was the main antagonist for awhile. I had a glimmer of hope that if he got close to the daughter through him we might get to see a better side of her, but sadly things didn't go that way and she remains a shallow unlikable character.
Hopefully she gets better, but I saw a comment from another user referencing the fact that they can't keep reading just because of how horrible she is...for new readers the damage is done early on, so even if she improves later it may still remain a high bar of entry for some.