My Life as an Internet Novel

Dec 1, 2019
It's not a matter of being a girl or not to like this. It's really about your taste and whether you like it or not. Using your gender as an excuse to say you don't like it is dumb. While the demographic is shoujo, it doesn't mean that only young girls will like it.
Dec 7, 2020
Am I the only one who thinks all of this isn’t fair on Dan I.
She’s dealt with a whole lot of crap and people playing with her life out of jealousy to the point where she thinks no guy would have a romantic interest in her.

Someone’s even taking pictures of her now, like WTF give the girl a break. I think she shouldn’t be hanging around with her Yeoryang or however her name is spelt. The friend is too dependant on her and gives her too many troubles.
Jul 28, 2018
@yuzuyuzu Depends on what you're looking for. This is one of the few isekai with a modern setting so on paper, that already makes it stand out from most of the genre. The story itself is also more slice of life in nature (which, again, makes it different from others in the genre) and is broken up into clear arcs but the isekai mechanic itself is essentially the basis of the plot and, ultimately, at the heart of a lot of the protagonist's inner conflicts. She never forgets that she's from a different world and that affects her friendships and perception of the world and people around her. If you want a female lead that outwits and curb stomps everyone that crosses her, I suggest looking elsewhere because the protagonist in this one is a normal girl deliberately set up to be passive at the beginning as this story, unlike most other isekai, has a big focus on character development. The main/supporting cast are all fleshed out over time as well.

The story's also much longer than most of its contemporaries. Most of these manhwa are adapted from novels that seem to hover around 4-5 volumes in length. This manhwa's adapting a 15 volume novel series so it's really not meant for people who don't have the patience for slow burns. I read ahead in the novel so I can say that the intention of the author becomes clearer over time with regards to the overarching themes of the story, but it's not so obvious at the beginning (where the manhwa is now after two seasons).

Personally, I like all these aspects of it because I'm tired of soulless power fantasy garbage but I understand this series isn't for everyone.
Aug 17, 2019
Do you think we'll be able to see them in their adult form? We've watched them grow up so far so I hope that continues to happen!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
This not my usual kind of read at all. But, it really nails that special existential dread a normal person would feel after getting dropped into what was previously a fictional universe. It always bugged me how nonchalant some characters would be about it in other isekai's. For that alone id give it a 7, add in the humor and it gets an 8 easy.
Mar 9, 2020
Chunyoung.. 😭
I think we'll be getting to see more of the actual ml, Ji Ho, but man for this first season Ham Dan-I has had just the cutest scenes with Chunyoung, I am literally so heartbroken 😭 Ji Ho better be a godd in the next season
Jul 28, 2018
Jiho may be the ML but he feels like a bit of an underdog tbh. Makes it hard not to root for him. I hope manhwa readers will see why novel readers like him so much after season 3 drops.
Mar 18, 2019
Tbh the reason why I didn’t read this cuz

i heard at the end everyone forgets who she is except for the ml?

I’m pretty sure that it was about this story, so with an ending like that, is it really worth to read?
Jul 28, 2018
@aitak Not to be rude but you bothered to put a strikethrough yet couldn't bother spoiler tagging that?

People make judgments about the ending without any context whatsoever. They don't even know all the details of what happens leading up to it or how it relates to the story's overarching themes, but the author had a message behind it and it's not one of doom and gloom. Whether you read it or not is up to you. I'm just here to say don't be so quick to judge based off of some one liner secondhand spoiler you hear through the grapevine.
Mar 18, 2019
@sardonic AGH MY BAD I KEEP ON CONFUSING THE SPOILER AND THE S TAG THING. I was so sure I changed it but ig I changed it for a different comment or forgot to save it?

and when I asked that question I wasn’t trying to be an ass or judging it in a negative manner. I was genuinely curious bc I read another story with a similar ending and was disappointed. I asked that question in order for someone to possibly ease my fears that it won’t end up leaving a bad taste in my mouth like the other story. And the disappointment wasn’t bc
everything was forgotten
, but what resulted from it. It just makes me sad to see a story I loved end up in such a manner, so if this story has that type of ending it makes me scared to read it.
Jul 28, 2018
@aitak I didn't take offense with your question so don't worry and I'm sorry if I came off harshly. It's more
my gripes with the tendency for people to judge the ending based on a one line summation they hear/read secondhand that misses the context and meaning behind what happens. The ending is not a negative one in my view. Dani (MC) manages to befriend them all again in the end (and this time she's the one befriending them, not the other way around; that's important). The focus shouldn't be on the event that she's forgotten because this time it doesn't happen against her will like she's always feared; it's a conscious decision Dani makes and that's why it holds meaning. The whole thing is etched into the overarching themes of the story about having free will and agency with the message that, ultimately, Dani is able to find happiness through her own power once again even in the face of adversity. It's not a tragedy at all. Tragedy would be people legit dying or her being forgotten completely and never meeting them again, but that's not the case at all here.

Again, this is my view of it (though a lot of it is lifted directly from the words of the author). I dislike talking about spoilers at length/in detail because I feel it's better for people to form their own opinions on something first, but in this case, people are making shortsighted snap judgments about something they haven't read themselves yet and I feel this series deserves a fairer shake because the author put a good amount of thought into the characters and how they're used to explore the themes of the story. In any case, I can't impose my opinion on others so whether you think the read/journey leading up to the end is worth it or not is ultimately your decision.

Sorry for the long comment.

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