Do we really? do we know where this nonsensical bat shit crazy logic be damned manga is headed? Do we really translation team?!
@Nasty-dick-cheese Of course we all know that we are reading a horny not quite hentai series of a guy transformed into a dog that gets inside skirts, that's not a question about a meta commentary, this is not about tags or genres.
That's not really the point, what we don't know is why the story is about a dude turned into a dog that gets into women skirts, is too bizarre for porn, is too bizarre for ecchi, is unnecessarily contrived, convoluted, dumb, and absurd.
The story hasn't made sense from chapter one, and it gets more confusing with each page, the plot lacks coherency, the protagonist actions don't respond to his goals, the characters behaviors are extremely convenient even by manga standards just to create wild situations (like someone unable to notice a dog under their skirt), and the premise still doesn't makes sense and we are 10 chapters in, and like everyone else i too have no idea what the fuck i am reading, and really i don't think i will ever know what is happening in this story and why.
The author decided to make a fan service story in the most forced, wild, and unbelievable way he could manage, and we are fucking puzzled as why he did it this way.