while I know what the premise of the manga is, I really really need some kind of progress, even if it means 20 more chapters of the same misunderstandings afterwards
@Kouhakuho Page 4 the word "unbelievable" is misspelled. I wonder how many chapter it will take until he realizes that she's happy to be with him. Thanks for the translations.
Which is going to come first (phrasing): Her being unable to hold herself back from riding her husband like a pogo stick or the husband finding out that his wife is a blushing beauty heads over heels in love with him?
"You were ridiculized because I wasn't there for you" Excuse me prince in a white knight, she is not that weak that need to depend on you, she was ridiculized because the girl was a mean person and that is it. I know is ancient Japan but it hella annoys me.