@Skrub1618 Socialism is the public ownership of the means of production, means of distribution and trade, usually centralized under the state. The only real difference in practice (This bit is important, the "theory" of socialism never quite seems to be implemented in the "perfect" way everyone said it would be. Guess they werent examples of
real socialism) between socialism and communism is that under socialism you can own private property as long as you cant profit off of it.
While we're at it, Nazi Germany was well on the road to becoming socialist (Hitler wrote of the "evils" of both international socialism (Marxism) and capitalism in "Mein Kampf" and how he wanted a form of socialism that would put Germany first) since more and more economic sectors were seized and put under the control of the Nazi party (This even extended to stuff like life insurance which Joseph Goebbels' brother was the head of ), just like the soviet union was communist since you could not own private property and the economy was well under the thumb of the soviet party.
While they would, if you only looked at countries as if they were single entities, from a perspective look capitalist since they did trade with other countries, this is because those countries were not part of their internal economy. This does not make them capitalist under any circumstance since the trade is not conducted by private entities like privately owned companies but rather done by the state. Might sound like a joke but if you ever want an intelligent person to realize how stupid all of it is just get them to read Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto.