My Secretly Hot Husband

Jul 2, 2018
@Cherriya Thanks so much for clarifying this - what you said was quite true, as a reader I was turned off by the prologue since MC seemed toxic by allowing her husband to think he was ugly to keep him for herself. It's a relief to know that isn't the case! I'll be giving this another chance!
Oct 28, 2019
@Athena-Assesia ; My pleasure ! I also abandonned this for a while because of how toxic it seemed, now I'm glad I ended up giving this a chance, cause the story wasn't bad. I'm glad if my comment was or, hopefully, will be of any help !
Oct 9, 2020
I'm just gonna patiently wait...and wait....and wait even more; definitely not gonna read it as soon as a new ch comes...I'm gonna wait for 2+ch...
Nov 1, 2020
Okay, first of all, the summary is disgustingly wrong. The MC in no way shape or form is horrible to her husband and would do the horrible things stated in it. This novel is such a fresh breath of air. People who hate incredibly toxic alpha male ML bullshit, this stuff is the one for you. The ML treats Leticia like the queen that she is, drinks his respect women juice every day, and have never, not even once, called her "Oi!" Like she's a servant to just order around. He's literally a soft boi that you'd wanna cuddle. He's such a Mood, he's got crippling anxiety and low self-esteem! Just like the 90% of us people.

The 'stereotypical shoujo damsel in distress' MC trope is beaten so hard by this novel, even its mother wouldn't be able to recognize it. The two have incredible chemistry, to the MC's willingness to step forward due to respect and love for the people she cares about, to the ML's 'I acknowledge I am strong, but I am also not arrogant about it.' personality, he's the literal personification of 'looks like he could kill you, is a cinnamon roll' except he's everything. He can kill you and looks like a cinnamon roll or vice versa.

The MC has balls of steel, she is a top tier heroine in my opinion, she faces her challenges head on and and resolves misunderstandings with romance really fast, so you won't have to worry about a slow burn romance that's just getting dragged out for hundreds of chapters. Its more like, they got married first and fell in love during the marriage. So its technically established relationship. Although we want badass heroines we also want a heroine with personality more than 'I am a genius gorgeous princess that can kick ass and have a hundred suitors and men running all over the place head over heels for me' thing. She's soft, she's sharp, cunning and so full of life that my heart aches when I remember that its only a novel.

15/10 would reccomend you to read it!
Jan 17, 2018
This was kinda interesting at the start, but the politics and strategy are nonsensical, it's impossible to tell who is doing what for what reason.
May 15, 2019
Im picking this up cuz theres a timeskip and I can simp to both ML and FL😋

also it seems theres a pretty hot debate about the plot, made me interested more👀
Aug 15, 2020
Did the scanlators dropped this?

I can't wait to see her family's face when she saved them 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
Fine, I guess. I don't like the prologue, and I still think the premise is a little stupid. But it has good magic environment more so than the same kind. I also hope it's not just another cringe horny reincarnated modern FL towards extra handsome ML. I grew up disliking this kind of setting. Even though it's funny, it gets boring over time.
Jul 19, 2020
The series we find most disappointing are the ones we had the highest hopes for. I wasn't expecting much from this series, but I was, at the very least, expecting it to actually be about what the title and prologue promised it to be!

The prologue and the initial couple of chapters give the impression of a much different kind of manga than what it has devolved into now. It implied the manga would be a fun and lighthearted take on low stakes political drama with the central gag of her husband being too handsome and how she has got to hide that hide from the world.

But, I'm 20 fucking chapters in and the FL hasn't even come close to seeing the ML with his mask off, or you know, THE VERY FUCKING THING THEY TALK ABOUT IN THE TITLE AND PROLOGUE.

(poorly done) Gritty action isn't this story's strength and certainly not what people are looking from this series yet that's the majority of what we've had to contend with so far. And now they're gearing up for more nonsense about invading castles, and as the story moves further and further away from what it was advertised as, I can't help but get pissed about the fact that this, THIS IS NOT WHAT PEOPLE ARE HERE FOR. This entire last arc was such a drag.The jarring shifts in tone from fluff and light drama to boring high stakes action is very unwelcome.

Doesn't help that the FL is yet another bumbling-but-brave trope with barely any personality other than "I must help people", with non-existent chemistry between her and the ML.

In summary, just read the prologue and leave because that's as good as it gets and is the only time the story's actually about what the title implies.
Dec 9, 2018
Been thinking about that chest too. Girl, we need color commentary on how firm yet soft and plush they were!
Group Leader
Apr 22, 2020
Ignore what @BigKitties said, it seems his IQ is too low to take in stories like these, if you agree with him, I recommend this story

This story is, to put simply, fairly amazing.
Of course, my bias, I love the political and economic focused stories (one of the reasons I'm obsessed with AOT Season 3)
In the beginning, you simply despise the Female Lead but you grow to like her as the story progresses. Multiple plot points started throughout the story slowly intertwine as you read it. "What the fuck why does this happen" to "AH, so that's WHY". I find it a very entertaining story, it's like they are marionettes and they control the battlefield. It makes me go, "LET'S GO BABY" at many times. Of course, it isn't a masterpiece... but it is on the road to be. Depends on how the author takes it from now.
Oct 28, 2019
@raajaa I agree gurl, I agree 😌 Seriously look at how big it is, dang I just wanna squeeze it so bad
and honestly, see that lil baby being all shy about it 👀

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