UHM AKCTUALLY, YOU SEE HE IS THE DEMON KING AND IS 9000 YEARS OLD SO ITS OKAY. ☝️🤓wait, hold on, he's supposed to be 11 years old? did i get that right?
I wonder if that means 11 years alone in school. So he was in kindergarten and now 11 years later and no friends.... Okay okay okay HOLD ON THE MAIN CHARACTER IS 11 ?! What in the pedophile, please be a translation error ?
I’d think of it as majority bad while minority is good. In a society where your morality is different than the majority tends to cause people to not speak outIs this another one of those human bad demon good stories?
Cause they aren't that different from human good demon bad stories but are more hypocritical since MC is a human.
That argument only applies if their mind lived longer than their body. Since he seems to be reincarnated if trueUHM AKCTUALLY, YOU SEE HE IS THE DEMON KING AND IS 9000 YEARS OLD SO ITS OKAY. ☝️🤓
The girl is just Illustrious
Someone noticedThe girl is just Illustrious