Namaiki na Gal Ane wo Wakaraseru Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - 「DISTANCE」

Apr 10, 2023
I started doing it on Friday when the chapter came out, I just finished last night 😔
I'm not pointing out that you did it slowly, I'm pointing out you that did it badly. I look at just one page and it's clear you have no idea what you're doing whatsoever. You took absolutely no care in figuring out what anyone said at any point in time, and just shit out the first vaguely (And I stress vaguely) plausible script you think you stumbled onto. This is the kind of work I expect from someone who speaks neither English, nor Japanese, as a first, or even second language.

I'm saying that for all the time it took you, I would have hoped you at least made sure the sentences look like actual sentences, or that you actually translated what they're saying.
Group Leader
Nov 20, 2023
I'm not pointing out that you did it slowly, I'm pointing out you that did it badly. I look at just one page and it's clear you have no idea what you're doing whatsoever. You took absolutely no care in figuring out what anyone said at any point in time, and just shit out the first vaguely (And I stress vaguely) plausible script you think you stumbled onto. This is the kind of work I expect from someone who speaks neither English, nor Japanese, as a first, or even second language.

I'm saying that for all the time it took you, I would have hoped you at least made sure the sentences look like actual sentences, or that you actually translated what they're saying.
I apologize because my translation did not fill your heart with happiness. 🙇
Group Leader
Nov 20, 2023
Why not just translate to your first language? This isn't the first time people have told you you're doing a bad job.
The mangas that I translate are translated into English and Spanish because no one else did it, plus, Why don't you translate them into English if you so much want only someone whose native language is English to do it?
Apr 10, 2023
The mangas that I translate are translated into English and Spanish because no one else did it, plus, Why don't you translate them into English if you so much want only someone whose native language is English to do it?

"wHy DoN't YoU tRaNsLaTe ThEm InTo EnGlIsH iF yOu So MuCh WaNt OnLy SoMeOnE wHoSe NaTiVe LaNgUaGe Is EnGlIsH tO dO iT?"
Group Leader
Nov 20, 2023

"wHy DoN't YoU tRaNsLaTe ThEm InTo EnGlIsH iF yOu So MuCh WaNt OnLy SoMeOnE wHoSe NaTiVe LaNgUaGe Is EnGlIsH tO dO iT?"
Now I understand why it bothers you so much, it makes you angry that someone else also wants to translate the same manga as you. You even took 2 hours of your time to make that image to prove your point. Don't worry, I'll keep translating it 😁
Thanks For the feedback! 🙇
Apr 10, 2023
Now I understand why it bothers you so much, it makes you angry that someone else also wants to translate the same manga as you. You even took 2 hours of your time to make that image to prove your point. Don't worry, I'll keep translating it 😁
Thanks For the feedback! 🙇
And that's how you get me to fix all of your others. No humility, no pride in your work; You just slam your ass on the keyboard and complain when nobody likes it.
Group Leader
Nov 20, 2023
And that's how you get me to fix all of your others.
Others what? 🤔

No humility, no pride in your work;
I really like what I do and I do it with love.

You just slam your ass on the keyboard and complain when nobody likes it.
In reality, only you have complained about my translations.

But that's okay, I'm sure you thought that comment would make you look like a "Based Chad humiliating a sad virgin." But it really just shows how upset you are with others for their ways of translating. Life is too good to stop and scream about those kinds of things, fly high and go to the sun, the ultimate goal in life is to reach that star.

Peace ✌️

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