New harem member! Namekawa appreciates Tojo now! This was a real funny one, it took me some time to assure myself that Namekawa really was saying she was going to bully the other girl, and when it finally set in I burst out laughing.
@JustReadingShit I think I might go back to fill in the gaps just so that new readers can approach the series, but for now all the ones that seem untranslated are also part of the serialized version and so they're over there.
@Kefkabot Inexplicable power that allows her to scale several-meter trees with a few casual hops. Stern, handsome face with a piercing gaze. Bizarre quirks. Hot temper. Single-minded, almost mechanical dedication to justice. A gang of weird-os taking up her cause.
And she just ora ora ora'd those two bullies to death.
Tojo might be one of Joseph Joestar's illegitimate kids for all we know. It's either that, or she's a Saiyan raised on earth. Her battle-stats and monomania-levels are too high for her to be an honest-to-god human being.