Naze Boku no Sekai wo Daremo Oboeteinai no ka?

Group Leader
Jan 17, 2020
Really gotta get those missing chapters if I actually ever am going to read this, I'd rather just avoid it than be confused.
Active member
Aug 11, 2018

This fantasy world manga, a little isekaish (yeah u saw that well I just created a word) is one of the few passable ones :
Good story so far, no stereotypes and stupid reactions, decent characters, ect

If I were to point a flaw, it would be how slow the plot is progressing
Jun 4, 2019
I am enjoying this series. Awesome job on the translation.
I get concept of how some type begins that feel the are above all the other species is interfering. Pretty much this unknown specie is rewriting things always or something like that. Vanessa was pretty much expressing. how she became ally with Sid. I’m guessing all there kind made peace or at least were not at war anymore . Were also working together. The wya She mention sid. Must have been adventures or something like that. She also talk about being reborn, so maybe she was reborn before or etc . So they must have big time gap missing which was erase. Like she said . And these beings must be the ones that rewrote. Or someone did it. Because they know these beings were coming or interfering. Or been interfering forever. Always changing things
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
me throughout the entire chapter 19.2 and any proceeding chapters set in this location:
Jul 28, 2019
So, it's time to talk about this. (glory to Queen Fafuncho reviws)

-Well, first and foremost I must say that the rating doesnt make sanse, this is to me a solid 9, lowest 8.5 if you belive that the story goes way to fast or way to slow at some points. However, a 7.8... no, that is waaaay to low to what it should be, I supose it is because that there isnt the 2 first ch. (they are important, so I get it), but I must encorage to the new ones to not be desencorage by that rating.
-As I see so far, there is good plot, and plot twists, the caracters are carismatic (the "emperor" [not going to spoil so dont worry] I'm afraid to be generic, but he seams to have at least some personality, I hope that they dont fuck it up and there is some caracter dev in this part.), the MC is powerful AF, however he fights people powerful AF so it doesnt fell like he is god and the enemies are genuinly good villains, with its unique caracteristcs, powers and mentality (at least so far).
-As bad stuff I must say that sometimes it feels way to fast or way to slow, however personally I like it as they somehow manage to make it fluid, it may feel fast, but you dont feel as if you lost anything, it may feel slow but normally are caracters chating, however as I said previously, the caracters are carismatic so they make up for it. There is a bit of fan service, but I liked it, is not over exagerated and it feels real/plausible, so it makes the MC interactions with the (so far 2 girls) genuine and more like a very close friendship (that tends or seems to be developing into something else.), also to finish, the side caracters are also nice, with there own relationships and stuff, in other words, they dont feel generic, so bonus points for that.

-Extra about the caracters: I liked them especially because they arent all 300 IQ geniouses, nor 2 IQ mongoloids, they feel genuine, they sometimes wants to show off even though it isnt the smartest idea, but its not to say that they
dont make smart decisions and so on, they have flaws, desires, intensions, and their unique mentality, and I believe that it is that that makes them especial and good caracters.
Active member
May 1, 2018
I'd disagree on the "rating doesn't make sense" part down bellow.

Premise is kinda interesting but I found the execution quite bland and honestly it feels very cookie cutter to some other series I've read in the past. There's a specific genre of shonen that I don't know how to call it, but I feel like it fits into it perfectly. I don't think the characters are genuine as much as it just felt like they were there to play their role, and outside of it they're quite pretty bland and not super unexpected or interesting. The thing is there are non-geniuses that are better written than these characters because there's a lot of subtle nuances that I honestly didn't really find here. Any conclusion reached by the characters feel a bit surface level because, while it seems like it mattered to the characters, it was hard to share those same emotions as the reader because a lot of it felt surface level. It felt more like it was necessary for the plot to have those characters feel like that, rather than the characters being organic. Though, it's possible it might have to do with this being an adaptation rather than the original work.

It's not a super bad series. It has its good points and the premise is interesting. But it's not a masterpiece either, so I'd say the score here is justified enough.
Mar 15, 2019
Rating is obviously subjective but I agree that at least the manga is not well developed to say the least. A lack of nuance, heavy plot armour, bland characters and the usual absence of a functioning military group as in most manga of this kind makes this uninteresting and standard. The premise was nice and the art is great but so far nothing worth noting has happened. Hopefully it gets better in the future but right now it doesn't even deserve a 6 for me.
Active member
Jan 18, 2018
For a manga with a predictable narrative it has a central plot with a standing mystery, above average art and characters with motivations and their own agendas, coupled with a good pace. I think the current rating of "almost 8" fits well.
Jul 2, 2020
Unique yet still somehow feels generic. It feels like the story is too flat and the characters don't have much depth. It's always up to the main character to save the day and that is indeed the script for this manga too. It's not bad, but nothing truly interesting is happening so far. It feels like a script, the plot and characters are just going through the motions. When it first came out I thought it was good, but now after 20 chapters and a look back after a hiatus it just feels average as a series.
Sep 24, 2019
This feels exactly like a shonen. It even has "the power of friendship" that shonen LOVE... Speaking of which I had to drop this crap once that came around.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
I have no idea why artists so talented are stuck drawing such dogshit run of the mill isekai stories.
Mar 2, 2018
This is my opinion and I could care less about yours and what you think about mine.

Yeah, definitely not an 8 or higher rating in my opinion. Having it around mid to low 7s is just the place for it since like others have said, many of the emotions it tries to convey are very surface level at best and forced at worst. The story is alright, the premise was good but how it was executed feels dull, and uninteresting and has the whole power of friendship we can beat [insert previously undefeatable opponent of the new world]". Problems are not solved unless our MC is there which just shows how much character development is actually there underneath the fluff. The story relies too much on Kai to actually progress it. The problem in my opinion isn't "it's too slow" or "it's too fast", it's how it is handled and progressed. You could argue that it should be lower and I might agree with it, but for now I feel more apathetic more than anything as it could have been good, but the writing is shit, but the art is amazing.

Spoiler territory in which I may have misunderstood the story, it's pretty much what went threw my mind while reading it:
Why are the demons so weak if they were actually able to fight in the old world where humans were more powerful... What really made me dropped this is post-chapter 15 when the Empress was defeated by sheer stupidity and nonsense imo because of the whole code handler shit and honestly the Empress would and should have won that. Why didn't kai just use the sword at the start when he knew, or at least had some idea how powerful she was...

Totally agree with @korn7809 and while it was a good read at first, I firmly believe you can write good and even amazing shounen without having the "power of friendship" and dropping it after catching up to chapter 22. If you're okay and perhaps enjoy those kinds of shounen or simply like reading this manga, feel free to enjoy what you like, but for me, it's a miss.
Jun 29, 2018
It feels more like JRPG plot rather than a another fantasy manga/ln. Was it inspired by it or it's a unnaproved draft of a project?

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