I think the author is doing a good job at showing how pathetic we can be. I'm literally not trying to say that in a bashing way, just that it is really relatable and looking at it from the outside is quite... something.
This manga is both light and heavy at the same time. Like that was a heavy moment but the author only let it sit for one page before moving on.
It takes away from the "quality" but I kinda think it was the best decision.
Yeah, she definitely need therapy and maybe meds. When I was on the low of my own depression I couldn't even get out of bed most day but meds let me at least muster enough energy at the beginning to start cleaning the house, cooking for myself and even doing laundry by hand regularly. And that was just with an antidepressant too! The road to recovery is hard but every day gets a little easier if you keep at it. The actual hard part is keeping at it as it sometimes feels like it only takes a slip to go down the hole again