Haven't been a NEET for over 5 years now but can still relate to a lot of the stuff in this series and I agree that you really should get a job, it'll help alleviate your anxiety and help you get along better with your parents (especially if you move out). If you live on welfare you should also take into consideration the unethical in forcefully living on others' hard work through the state, since I'm sure that the people forced to pay your bills doesn't consent but still have to do so since they'll be thrown in jail by the politicians if they don't.
Take a shitty job and use the credentials you get there to move your way up until you're at a good workplace, that's what I did. Though if you live in a country with very low minimum wage (like the US) you should probably try to pick up a trade, will earn you a lot more money that unqualified labor and unlike college wont cost a fortune and might give you a worthless degree. Seen a lot of people (online) who spent 100-200k on college to get a degree in like arts and history, and when they graduate they can't find a job in their field and have to work minimum wage while trying to pay back the loan and end up in a worse position than any NEET here. Electrician would be a pretty good bet, and if you become good at what you do you have the option of going independent later so quite a lot of possibilities in that field.