@Hashire-Sori-Yo That is what's implied. The maid(don't remember her name) mentioned it was a Wyvern, which in this universe apparently means just a young dragon. Since it's still but a child it's looking for a place to carve out it's own territory, and also because it's young it doesn't know Hyudoru is it's boss as mentioned by the maid. All the dragon sees is a castle, and it probably doesn't sense Hyudoru's presence within(either because he has it suppressed, or because the dragon is too young to sense him).
Basically this child doesn't know better, and most likely it's one of the security team's jobs to educate those who stray too close without permission.
@Wolvenworks you do know that maid uniforms are the epitome of battle attire, right? The next closest thing would be a butler's uniform. Do you even weeb?