Nettaigyo wa Yuki ni Kogareru

Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
if there's romance, it's way too inexistent... 😬 it's a slice of life with many girls being friends for at least the first 20 chapter. We can mix the dependency to a love feeling all we want, it won't change much 🙄
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Such a pain to wait a whole month for chapter when it's so slowburn. If you must do all Koyuki 3rd year then we might had ending in like 2 years at best. I really hope the author doesn't gonna do the 3rd year and just cut trough it. At this point, i don't really care if Koyuki and Konatsu are gay for each others, i just want the manga do not drag for too long.
@Lynkaster If i remember correctly, the author said it was more friendship between girls but i'm not entierly sure, there is a tweet from the author on that back from February, i think people on Dynasty scans talk about it.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2018
Not looking forward to this ending, everything in it feels so noncommittal. Its really sweet and all but I'm not gonna be satisfied with a "haha I'm going to college but we're great friends arent we?" type ending. These girls love eachother for a fact and anything but romance ending is cheap
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Again, i know it's a slowburn but a chapter of 45 pages where 3/4 is Konatsu doing intern monologue about how she must keep to herself her thought. I don't know how the author plan to end this but i hope it's fast.
Mar 9, 2019
I'd rather see it keep going but stop that shit and get better than it stop soon and end on this shit, but it would be better than keeping this shit going for long.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
Let's be honest, I'm kinda tired with this kind of story. The only thing I want now is its end. What is a point of makin' friendship theme while everyone already know its true color? It's getting nowhere so it's better stop at vol 6. Moreover, this series seems to become a tourism trademark. With that fact in mind, it will serve a bigger purpose, for a bigger target range. Therefore, no friendship shall be bloomed!

And you know what, a kind of story that makes readers want it end soon is the fail story. I'm honestly disappointed. It lets me down. ☹ The author should know their limit.
Aggregator gang
Aug 12, 2018
Personally, I am still enjoying this a lot, may be because I already enjoy slowburns and slice of life stuff but I don't see the problem with pacing, and certainly don't want it to end sooner or later that when the author plans to end it.
As far as I am concern the only real problem has been the breaks making the progress fels like it takes forever and that we went through a lot of chapters without reading Konatsu's pov.
May 30, 2018
its cute but I want to see more fish. I feel like they're the only things that really allow for the characters to interact with the situations around them and decide on the approach they will take moving forward. I feel that they especially needed in the three most recent chapters, but if I were to explain more about that I feel like I would be spoiling the story. with that set-aside, I feel like the fish are also the element that helps this story set itself apart from the crowd of fluffy-slice-of-highschool-girls-life-with-yuri/friendship-undertones. sure others in this genre have cute mascot-ish entities they care for like pets and animals the school has in clubs, but those usually all mammals like rabbits and dogs and stuff.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
Let's be honest, there is no homo-relationship in this manga. The
in here should be removed soon. This manga is only about friendship being dramaticize!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Let's be honest, there is no homo-relationship in this manga. The shoujo-ai in here should be removed soon. This manga is only about friendship being dramaticize!

Considering that shoujo-ai in the west and on Mangadex is used to denote more platonic non-sexual/non-actual relationships between girls (which doesn't fit how the Japanese utilize "shoujo-ai," but it does resemble how "S kankei" is used), you're mistaken.

What you're arguing is the exact opposite of the genre tag. So unless both girls pair up with dudes (or, because this is manga, become dudes somehow), the shoujo-ai tag stays because it deals with girls love/curiousity themes. If it goes further than just puppy love or curiosity into actual relationship, yuri fits. Until either of those happen, sorry, but it's just following the genre definition and tag guidelines.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
@ definitionofinsanity
Sorry, but I still don't quite understand your mean. Can you make it more simple plz?
Jan 18, 2018
@definitionofinsanity said:
Considering that shoujo-ai in the west and on Mangadex is used to denote more platonic non-sexual/non-actual relationships between girls (which doesn't fit how the Japanese utilize "shoujo-ai," but it does resemble how "S kankei" is used), you're mistaken.

You are mistaken about how the shoujo-ai tag is used here (officially, and heck, even largely in practice) on Mangadex (and Batoto before it, from which Mangadex's tags were originally imported). Specifically, it does refer to non-sexual GL manga, but not the pure-subtext/"non-actual" relationships you speak of (like this one is starting to appear to be).

Note that while talking about how the Japanese use "shoujo-ai" is, indeed, moot—to my understanding its meaning is so different as to be irrelevant—that does not mean the western meaning is consistent throughout the fanbase, either XD

TL;DR version is, Mangadex inherited the yaoi=yuri, shounen-ai=shoujo-ai dichotomy equivalency for it's official tag rules, and while the shoujo-ai vs. yuri distinction nonetheless remains under unofficial debate (e.g. in tagging wars), there is at least decently broad practical consensus on these sites that, at the very least, only actual GL (at bare minimum one girl in love with another girl) gets either tag.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
You are mistaken about how the shoujo-ai tag is used here (officially, and heck, even largely in practice) on Mangadex (and Batoto before it, from which Mangadex's tags were originally imported). Specifically, it does refer to non-sexual GL manga, but not the pure-subtext/"non-actual" relationships you speak of (like this one is starting to appear to be).

I find that very difficult to believe, because that then means a lot of manga here is improperly tagged. Because there's a decent amount of manga that is seen and tagged as shoujo-ai despite having only pure subtext and no actual lesbian/girl-on-girl relationships. YuruYuri being a notable example, which if it was a car engine, would be running on 100% pure, unleaded, lesbian subtext despite having a cast literally full of gay(ish) girls. Unless delusions count as the real thing.

I'm sorry, but unless anyone is willing to wade into the metric shitton of other shoujo-ai/yuri manga and willing to put their money where their mouth is and start the tagging wars or unless I see a more concrete reason than someone wrote this on a coffee-ring-stained post-it note and forgot about it 2 years ago; I'm sticking with my original analysis. There is a romantic subtext here and it's between two girls. And the series has yet to conclude. For all we fucking know these girls could be scissoring each other hard enough to create earthquakes and tsunamis in a few chapters. Unlikely? Yes, of course. But that tag isn't there to emulate Las Vegas sports betting, it's there to inform the reader that this focuses heavily on potentially romantic relationships between two girls - so if that interests them or not. In fact, removing that tag before it's concrete is rather premature.

at the very least, only actual GL (at bare minimum one girl in love with another girl) gets either tag.

...That's what I said (and that's how it's being used, as per my example with things like S kankei and YuruYuri - and I'd argue that this also invalidates your "no subtext only" claim, because the difference between subtext and unrequited love is potentially only perspective - that's still one girl loving another in a romantic fashion, the fact that it's only subtext doesn't detract from that point). And this manga definitely qualifies for that, sure, potentially arguably so. But I think you'd be hard pressed to argue that there is no romantic connotation between girls in this manga.

Sorry, but I still don't quite understand your mean. Can you make it more simple plz?
This manga fits the western definition of shoujo-ai because it focuses heavily on girls with potentially romantic interests with one another. Until that changes, the tag stays.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
This manga fits the western definition of shoujo-ai because it focuses heavily on girls with potentially romantic interests with one another. Until that changes, the tag stays.
Focuse on girls is true but I see no potentially romantic interests in here, to be honest. It's just a ridiculous internal feeling because she is likely never have any actual friend. It didn't begin as shoujo-ai and would never end as shoujo-ai tag so why we add it in the beginning anyway?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
It didn't begin as shoujo-ai and would never end as shoujo-ai tag so why we add it in the beginning anyway?

Dude, the manga began were the new transfer student being entranced by the senpai at the aquarium. Now, granted, that doesn't mean she wants to swap spit with her instantly, but she was drawn to her and later had obvious feelings for her that the senpai seemed to pick up on. Where is goes from here is up for debate. But it's met the definition and prerequisites for shoujo-ai.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 5, 2019
The reason she was drawn to her is because she thought she could find a comrade who can share her lonely realm. That is a common sense, if you are in her position, would you do the same? It's not romance. It is exaggeration.
Jan 18, 2018
@definitionofinsanity said:
I find that very difficult to believe, because that then means a lot of manga here is improperly tagged.
First off, let it be said, before we go further—a lot of the manga on mangadex are improperly tagged. The older entries are mostly okay, but ever since MD decided to severely restrict who could edit the tags (a pool of people which to my knowlege has effectively been shrinking over time even as the site grows), with surprising frequency the tags are blatantly and obviously wrong now and no one gets around to fixing them.

This has extra-noticable repercussions for stuff where there's some disagreement among the fanbase as to what the tag means (exacerbated by mangadex not bothering to make it easy to find official statements on all the tag-meanings themselves). Back on Batoto, the "shoujo-ai" and "yuri" tags were broadly crowdsourced into the "correct" (for these sites) meanings since everyone could edit...

Not so on MangaDex. If someone changes the tags in either direction on MD, they tend to stay that way for a while. (Heck, I could probably "prove" this right now by removing the tag now and demonstrating that it will stay gone some time and indeed possibly not come back at all. It wouldn't be the most scientific of tests, of course, but that would be my expectation based on previous/recent experience. But that would not be very proper of me, I feel.)

Having said that, I'm moderately dubious about your specific example:

YuruYuri being a notable example, which if it was a car engine, would be running on 100% pure, unleaded, lesbian subtext despite having a cast literally full of gay(ish) girls. Unless delusions count as the real thing.
I've never read YuruYuri so I can't say for sure, but FWIW the fans on MangaUpdates gives that one the "Subtle Romance" category-tag, contrasted with this one's "GL Subtext" tag. I can't speak more than that, but the broad perception of the fanbase appears to be that YuruYuri actually does have romance. Without getting in to whether or not that's correct, which I have no opinion on, I presume the tag is based upon that premise.

In fact, removing that tag before it's concrete is rather premature.
As was adding it in the first place! A bit of a chicken-and-egg problem here. This is, however, the reason why I have not yet taken it upon myself to remove the tag, personally. (As an aside: I have contrib status and the ability to edit tags, simply because I asked for it early on when they were handing it out. I am not an official authority on anything! Just so we're clear.)

because the difference between subtext and unrequited love is potentially only perspective
Begging your pardon, but this seems like pure sophistry to me—stories are written from a given perspective, and we're allowed to use a character's internal monologue and the like in determining genre. The fact that a character "could potentially be" thinking something on the other hand, means nothing to genre. There is a middle ground, wherein we sometimes have to fight tag battles, when we think that some character's motivations (or whatever) relevant to the genre are supposed to be clear as day, but they aren't explicitly and unambiguously stated—but, that is not what this manga is. (Well—If you do think that's what this manga is, that's fine, I can see where you might be coming from, even if I disagree, but the general consensus would seem to be that nothing here goes beyond subtext.)

Anyway, I meant it when I said "at the bare minimum" a potentially unrequited love is required: At that point it pretty much has to be one of the primary focuses of the work; just like a regular "romance" tag gets applied to shoujo stories of failed romance, and also to action manga that have romance on the side, but not to an action manga where one character happens to like another but nothing comes of it.

In other words, by "bare minimum", I meant that would already be borderline territory where people will argue over it. (Pushing the definition even further by saying, "well, X is sort of like Y" is therefore problematic.)

@yurirei said:
It didn't begin as shoujo-ai and would never end as shoujo-ai tag so why we add it in the beginning anyway?

Could have been a genuine misunderstanding on someone's part. The close friendship build-up here is indistinguishable from the beginning of a slow-burn shoujo-ai; I honestly personally didn't suspect anything was amiss with the tags until we got the author's notes saying this was based (with permission) on an actual school's club. (And, well, chances of a club wanting to be known as "that club with the lesbian manga based on it," are low. Not zero, of course, but still.)

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