NEW GAME! - Vol. 10 Ch. 115

Double-page supporter
Jul 8, 2019
It's grim thinking that there are whale sharks in aquariams.
Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
It feels like a really weird decision to make this story about Momo and an editor the focal point right now when they're starting up pre-pro/production of a new game and the only thing we've even seen about it's development is that Aoba was doing drafts of the main character. I don't understand why the author feels the need to push Momo and Narumi so much when he barely gives the characters that were around from the start any attention. Why bring in characters just to fuel drama filled stories when you have a full cast of characters you could do that with?


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Hifumi is sweet, maybe if you bothered remembering her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Soooooo, what is the point of that ? I feel like it's a filler before the game arc. Lowkey hating how people can forgive so easily in those SoL. Someone could literraly kill their family and they will still talk about it and shit. ANd bro, ashitty online reputation isn't something she gonna overcome in a few days or a few months, hell it could take one or two years before it become calm.
Hifumi is sweet, maybe if you bothered remembering her.

I know right ? Hifumi had the occasion to prove herself after Yagami's depart to France but nop. Do nothing and watch the team cramble and pray for a miracle. Miracle being Yagami's comeback and so here goes her chance to prove herself. She will go back to be the big titty shy mob girl who appear from time to time. Honestly, she is popular purely by design.
Double-page supporter
Sep 7, 2019
thoughts about this mini arc:

it's nice seeing momoji getting some development i guess this arc exists so she isn't left by the sidelines for too long since next arc is probably going to be bigger and have aoba in the spotlight, but manga authors seriously need to learn how to write characters instead of introducing a new character every fucking time they want to do drama and it sucks cus they just add them and then throw them away once their role is done, the shitty editor feels like the author really wanted to talk about his experience with this sort of stuff which is fine this is his manga after all but it was way too obvious that his intention was to put his opinions on editors and such rather than develop momoji, the way they try to forgive the shitty editor with the "oh she had passion so every shitty thing she did is more forgivable" no it fucking isn't she is facing defamation and slander charges bc she fucked up, and like everyone i have no clue why momoji cares so much about this editor since neither of them had passion on the project and she lied to get momoji on this job, in this arc kou was the more reasonable person since she said "hey she is a shitty person you better not be associated with her" and she is right, not every person needs to be forgiven or needs to have a good side, if the arc was "yo you're a shitty person and now you're facing the consequences of your actions, i don't like you but if you can become a better person if you remember your values" it would be better than having momoji being friendly and forgiving with a person she has every reason in the world not to like or care about.
Jul 11, 2020
@Lilliwyt lmaoo mate, defo agree. Whole volume felt pointless and just brought unnecessary problems. Nothing satisfying occurred.

Thanks for continually providing us the volumes cookiemuncher, on a more positive note.

Hopefully next volume with the game arc is better than what's been occuring recently. Left a lot to be desired.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
In the end I kinda feel bad for the editor even if just a little. She ended up getting fucked over through both approaches in the end. Just another victim of the ruthless industry.
Still, I generally agree. The past two volumes and and half, maybe the whole three past volumes even. Or let's just say the past two arcs, have been complete misses. Hopefully volume 11 will go back into form.
The funniest thing is that Season 3 would adapt all this and it'll be a gorillion years until there's enough material for a S4 as well.
Active member
Jan 19, 2018

This shows up on my youtube recommendation after I read this chapter.
Sep 10, 2018
Momoji is the most boring and bland character in this manga, why did the author decide to focus SO MUCH on her. Please move on already and focus on the actual characters that people like to see.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 11, 2020
Maybe I should be more critical and negative as the majority here. But I fairly enjoyed this volume. We got some really fun and great chapters with the Paintball and seatchange here. Good interactions between Aoba and Momo. Sempai is back too. The Kou+Rin shippers got their self aware fanservice.

Like I said, I re-read the other volumes yesterday. And I just love her. And to reference page110: I hope Aoba and Momo can coexist as MC's. I love ehm both.

Now you excuse me, time to check for doujins with em! Hohoho
Active member
Aug 4, 2019
Nene and Umiko with sharks
Momo and Editor solve the problem and I wait for Editor appear again
THANKS to the translators, and now to finish with the extra
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
I didn't think Aoba was ever an intern. I thought she was just hired straight out of high school.
Sep 23, 2018

I think Aoba was supposed to be talking about Momo, which makes more sense to me given the context. It may just be a translation error.
Group Leader
Apr 27, 2018
@Esper Yea I was confused too... however... the original transcript said “when we were interns”, so I got confused on that part to, so I just said it in a way that made the most sense, English wise.
Apr 25, 2020
@3RDp no no, keep that positivity up, there’s always going to be a different side to the coin!

I enjoyed these arcs that we got and I enjoy every character introduced to us, they bring out the greater side of people whenever they need it most and keep people in consideration. If they really just said “FUCK THEM” i think this would really be more of darker manga than the happy go lucky manga this is.
May 6, 2020
Since the last two volumes, I have had this annoying lingering feeling of unsatisfaction. I guess the author really hates Aoba. Hopefully she gets the focus she deserves next volume.

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