Nichiasa Suki no Otaku ga Akuyaku Seito ni Tenseishita Kekka, Hametsu Flag ga Houkaishiteiku Ken ni Tsuite - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Gekigeki! My exciting fig…

Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2019
it's sentai, power rangers, magical girl type bs what do you expect???
Don't take this the wrong way but Sentai/power rangers and magical girl type mangas do have examples of easy-to-follow choreography. I love the premise, and i don't mind turning my brain off when it comes to entertainment, but when there's a lack of flow in combat and things are hard to follow, you gotta point it out. Professor Layton's animator didn't have to go all out animating him fighting (it's a puzzle game at heart), but they did because it's cool af. So if your story is action comedy, i kinda expect the action to be well done.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2019
Can someone with martial arts experience confirm if you can really reach someone faster using your knees instead your legs and arms?
Well, yes and no. Yes, your strike with elbows and knees will be faster than a swing or a kick. No, because this is only applicable when they're in clinching or knee/elbow distance. You generally don't want to have your knee up high, keep your center of balance low but not static. Source: 4 years of Karate, 1 year of iaido/kendo, 2 months of traditional martial art.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 18, 2024
Just another reminder that has been stated multiple times now that this is not NTR case, but more like BSS (will made clear once we get Zenon's inner voice regarding this matter........probably in 1 or 2 more chapters if artist/wn author stick to 100% adapting WN, which already omit and adding several things here and there)

Also is a world decided that full henshin-like armor as obsolete and clunky without even tried to fix that, that world deserved to be rider kicked to bright explosion

Also also when one remember Rush's stats in Luminous, Yuugo's win is actually way more amazing than it looks.

I just went to check the manga artist's Twitter, there is a huge gap in his TL between April and June, apparently he just recovered from health issue when chapter 8 was released. Not sure if this also affected this chapter's release.
......that would explain the lowering quality for several chapters now. Guy in recovery would be still not in 100%

Although I do hope artists will redraw several past chapters when it eventually get tankoubon re-print, since if it is released in this precise quality, it will deeply hurt sales.

Is the source material really popular or something ? So far the manga is quite messy with both art and paneling , story moving weirdly and heroine already went for a kiss for shock factor despite not knowing mc for that long…etc.
1. Some parts are omitted from WN somehow, with mixed results. Marcos was way more jerkass in WN, and certain jerkass moment omitted here make his good quality actually shine early. Melt's reason to kissing Yuugo is omitted here (probably moved to next chapter to make it a surprise), but it does kinda hurt the pace.

2. Kakuyomu does have a degree of brainrot in villain reincarnation and isekai where those 2 titles dominate new WN title releases. But just on Villain Reincarnation topic alone, when you sort by most cumulative support, this manga's WN still stay in the first page. It also have a good enough support/comment ratio among other titles.

3. WN author really shown their love to Nitiasa and tokusatsu as whole. Both in the promise to upload everyday (iirc even when Japan got hit by early tsunami warning, author still write in advance and upload once things settled down there), character naming and theme sense, arc and chapter naming, usual tokusatsu tropes, and understanding of tokusatsu flows. Well, so far it is still lacking (in action part), but if we factor artist's condition mentioned above and the WN to manga gap, well it is what it is.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 7, 2019
Took another look at that final page again.

Are they actually kissing? I see a gap between them, albeit a small one.
Is that relevant or just the mangaka messing up?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Probably more of a messing up, it was very clear in the WN that she kisses him as a finisher to Zenon's final bs about 'a duel' deciding her fate.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 23, 2018
Took another look at that final page again.

Are they actually kissing? I see a gap between them, albeit a small one.
Is that relevant or just the mangaka messing up?
I think that's the due to the artist not having experience drawing kissing scenes.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 9, 2023
sexual assault solves problems, amiright. Kidding but no one should actually act like her, it's not cool
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
no. it's the same for women, i don't know what you think is the truth but, sexual harassment is the same no mater the gender. the only problem is that men are less likely to report it compered to woman, which is treated equally by the police btw (or at least they are legally supposed to).
Tell that to it mostly being let go or a slap on the wrist IRL....

and more easily forgiven.

Hell even when it's a more extreme crime the punishment is lighter. (case and point, teacher and student, one is seen with massive disgrace and want to kill them, the other is seen as "woah lucky dude, wish it was me." and treated less seriously).

You even see jokes or scenes about it in media. (like one where a group was going around beating the shit out of people on the sex offender registry, but left when it was a female that answered the door).

So to even pretend it is the same, is to blatantly ignore reality. it has never been the same, and it never will be. For the simple fact that, for women it is seen as more sacred, than it is for men. So it will always be viewed as more serious when a man does it, than when a woman does it.

Also... the dude has 40% more muscle mass... for a lot of things people would go "Why didn't you just push them away?" now of course that doesn't excuse the action, but that's just how most think. (r*pe cases where it is a woman doing it to a man, are often laughed at, and not even taken seriously, and it's the police that laugh at them btw...).

The idea men are woman are equal, and treated equally, is a massive lie. And will never happen, nor should it. With differences comes pros and cons, privileges and responsibilities, these are the things that should be focused on and talked about.

Men will always be more expendable, and judged based on their life experience, while women are protected, and judged based on preservation (lack of experience, hence why r*pe is always seen as more heinous with women then men... cause it's more damaging, especially for pair bonding).

Lastly it isn't that "Men are less likely to report it" it's also that, they get dismissed, and told to "harden up". And that they should have just handled it themselves.

The courts are very biased to be in favor of women... and it was designed that way, by Men. For good reason, just that these days this is being abused. (alimony is a great example).

I could go on, but this essay is long enough as it is.
Feb 19, 2023
In what world is running up to someone and kneeing them in the chest or elbowing them in the head 'faster' than hitting them with a longer distance 'tool' like a foot/shin/fist/palm?
What a nonsense fight, at least come up with something else like boosters or something...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2020
Why people Keep saying this is NTR?... on sided things are not NTR... she literally just met him, she even said that he is the opposite of what rumors said....
Dex-chan lover
Sep 22, 2018
TWO beat downs in one chapter. The second 'verbal' beat down was WAY WORSE than the first. Then I heard a voice echo in the arena 'FINISH HIM', LMAO.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
I was rather anticipating Melt to melt some balls after she got treated as idiot girl second time in a raw. I know it's narratively kick in the balls of self proclaimed protagonist, but wouldn't it be better if it was more literal?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
Tell that to it mostly being let go or a slap on the wrist IRL....

and more easily forgiven.

Hell even when it's a more extreme crime the punishment is lighter. (case and point, teacher and student, one is seen with massive disgrace and want to kill them, the other is seen as "woah lucky dude, wish it was me." and treated less seriously).

You even see jokes or scenes about it in media. (like one where a group was going around beating the shit out of people on the sex offender registry, but left when it was a female that answered the door).

So to even pretend it is the same, is to blatantly ignore reality. it has never been the same, and it never will be. For the simple fact that, for women it is seen as more sacred, than it is for men. So it will always be viewed as more serious when a man does it, than when a woman does it.

Also... the dude has 40% more muscle mass... for a lot of things people would go "Why didn't you just push them away?" now of course that doesn't excuse the action, but that's just how most think. (r*pe cases where it is a woman doing it to a man, are often laughed at, and not even taken seriously, and it's the police that laugh at them btw...).

The idea men are woman are equal, and treated equally, is a massive lie. And will never happen, nor should it. With differences comes pros and cons, privileges and responsibilities, these are the things that should be focused on and talked about.

Men will always be more expendable, and judged based on their life experience, while women are protected, and judged based on preservation (lack of experience, hence why r*pe is always seen as more heinous with women then men... cause it's more damaging, especially for pair bonding).

Lastly it isn't that "Men are less likely to report it" it's also that, they get dismissed, and told to "harden up". And that they should have just handled it themselves.

The courts are very biased to be in favor of women... and it was designed that way, by Men. For good reason, just that these days this is being abused. (alimony is a great example).

I could go on, but this essay is long enough as it is.
what are you on about? in what kind of world do you think you are leaving? the MEDIA is NOT THE REAL WORLD, they always try to make things go with their own narrative, even if it is a big lie.

it's not just woman but also men that get away with just a slap on the wrist when it comes to light sexual harassment.

yeah men have on average more muscle mass but that doesn't mean that there are no thin men.

also you say even in extreme cases they lough at men? what? do you think twitter is the real world or something? if there is emotional or physical damage, it doesn't mater what the gender of the attacker and victim is, they are treated equally.

men are told to "toughen up"? sure by idiots and such yes they are, but never by the law. besides in most cases women are also told the same.

when it comes to reporting rape they never dismiss the victim, they are not allowed to, because if they are reported for doing that they will get into a lot of trouble (no matter the gender of the victim).

also the "i wish it was me" is always said as a joke, or by idiots on twitter and reddit, generally only a small amount of people say that. I know a victim of rape (m) from second year high school, he ended up closed off in his room for many months (and developed gynophobia), the teacher (f) ended up in prison for a good while.

because you only hear about male offenders on the internet doesn't mean women offenders don't exist, it's just that it would not be as popular as an article, or that popular to be on the news.

don't listen to statistics that the media serve, they are mostly lies, or not the whole truth. they always just try to get more popularity they don't care about the truth.

to begin with it was about a kiss, it doesn't matter what gender the victim and harasser is, it is treated equally, (at most locked up for a few days to a month. in most cases) if you look at publicly available crime reports it's about the same for both genders for sexual harassment.

edit: i don't know how that former classmate ended up, i haven't talked to him for a long time.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
no. it's the same for women, i don't know what you think is the truth but, sexual harassment is the same no mater the gender. the only problem is that men are less likely to report it compered to woman, which is treated equally by the police btw (or at least they are legally supposed to).
Do you know how many women get punished by the law for sexual harrasement?
Do you know how many women get punished by the law for rape?

In the real world women dont have to bend to these rule. If you actualy looked at the court case in different western country you would see it.

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