Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

May 3, 2018

"@HDNeptune Seems like you need a little of reading comprehension, my friend, let me cite myself.

Isn't Japanese Government more hated in Asia than Chinese?"

The hell with this; you posted this link
there was ranking on that site that you posted that would have answered your lame question and you just didn't bother to check it yourself. Its obvious that you didn't even research anything while posting links irresponsibly. And what's worse you even directed the site to Japan, what do you think I would think?, I would think that you PROBABLY hate Japan.

"I'm Peruvian and I don't have reasons to hate Japan nor China, so that ranking doesn't reflect my opinion, you know why? Because they haven't done nothing to me."

you are the one who posted this and I just remove "japan-363286.asp"
to show the ranking that I DID NOT CREATE AND IS AN OPINION FROM EVERYBODY and now your saying "so that ranking doesn't reflect my opinion, you know why? Because they haven't done nothing to me." WHAT AN IRRESPONSIBLE THING TO SAY!!! THEN WHY DID YOU POST THAT LINK IF THAT DOES NOT CONCERN YOU??

AND NOW YOUR SPEAKING VENEZUELAN GOVERNMENT SO WHICH IS FAR FROM THE TOPIC. First and foremost the situation is very different IT IS AN INTERNAL CONFLICT OF THE NATION of the Venezuela. Every country has that internal conflict even in our country its not different. The difference in China they "INVADED TERRITORIES" its not already INTERNAL CONFLICT its AFFECTING SEVERAL COUNTRIES!!!
Jan 30, 2018

The problem is that you use the ranking just as hate list. I don't give a shit if people vote against countries like Italy or Canada just because they don't like their people.

Comments of why thy vote againt Canada.

I hate Canada because of Justin bieber. Laugh out loud!

Other votes of Why hate Canada are more crap like this:
"I think That Canadians are really arrogant.

I live there now and I want out!

People think they're so nice and all but I'm telling you

Try Living here for two years, you'll see!"

"Canada is the most arrogant country in the world! I have no problem with the country itself, it is actually pretty nice, just the people who live in it. Almost all positive comments on this page are by Canadians themselves who can't accept there is something wrong with there country. "

"They have a stereotype of being very nice. Total garbage... Very rude people."

When I said why many ASIAN PEOPLE I know don't like Japan, I don't use this kind of crappy comments to backup my words.

"They seem to be polite, but always hide their wicked mind. Never trust Japanese!"

"Japanese, So called as two-faced people, who they are. Well not all of them have such an awful reputation but a few act like they're very polite in every move when they face foreigners or people not belong to them, seems like they show some respects and smile for real."
I post the site cause of the people's comments with obviously historical facts, not just hate comments.

Let me give you some historical facts stated by people in the comments (maybe you want to check wikipedia for more info if you're interested):

- Japan has done terrible things like the NAZI of Germany. They have done cruel torturing and experiments to the Asian countries. They even forcefully took the people to make them a prostitute.

- Japan- declared war on nearby countries, massacred their people, destroy their culture, captured their women in force to make them sex slave for Japanese army. Also, think this 'Japanese occupation' made occupied countries 'modernized' and still worshiping war criminals.

- Japan is a country which causes the break of world's peace.
Since the World War II up to present, Japan has been causing wars in many countries.
As well as that, Japan is claiming that senkaku Island (belongs to China), Dokdo (belongs to South Korea), and Kuril Island (belongs to Russia).
There is no clear evidence which Japan can claim rights to these islands.
Especially with Dokdo, there are numerous evidence which shows that the island belongs to South Korea. (Including the map that was made by Japanese, it is labeled as Dokdo, not Dakeshima).

You talk about China, but have youever read the fuckin' comments of why many vote against China?

"BY FAR THE WORST COUNTRY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! They are the most dirty, thieving, lying, cheating, greedy, animal abusing, stupid, racist pigs I have ever met. They steal western ideas and pass them off as their own. They pee, spit, and smoke WHEREVER THEY WANT (once in an elevator a man peed while I stood inside, the smell was vile. A women allowed her son to take a crap at the top of a supermarket escalator what and many more disgusting things I can't explain as don't have the space). "

"The most unpleasant attitude, arrogant people. They have this strange thinking that everything on earth is from China. Even Mongolian's history is theirs? Nonsense country.

They are distorting their history all the time throughout the history. Recently they even elongated the official length of Great wall like a rubber band. This country is by far the worst nation in Asia along with Japanese."

"I hate China because there are so pride humble and traitor their trying to get our territory call scarborough shoal from Philippines that's why I hate china and china has largest population and powerful military"

"They are horrible liars and have no conscience. No religious mind but greed. Greed, just greed. I do not foresee if the inevitable fall of
Communist from power will improve the situation but I am rather
Pessimistic in view of the profound damage communist's rule has given
To the peoples moral."

"To the people of China, please mind your manners.
1. Do not open your mouth when you are eating. It is just disgusting.
2. Stop claiming your rights when you do not acknowledge other's.
3. China is not the center of the universe nor the most important.
4. Your so-called protesting is nothing more than violent havoc.
5. Educate yourselves more.
6. Make no mistake that the economy growth that China has seen is not due to its people, but it is because of the cheat labor.
7. Please learn the meaning of human rights.
8. Do not claim other people's lands as yours just because you want it. That is the logic of of an infant. Grow up.
9. Your people nor the government do not seem to understand copy rights, intellectual properties, and other global standards.
10. Considering all that has been stated above, don't you dare act as though you or your country is sophisticated. In fact, in most people's eyes you and your country is looked upon as cockroaches on ...more"

That's the diffrence of how You and I use this ranking, you just say "Hey they are the most hated and your ranking also appear in a hiher place", while I use the historical and real issues stated by people who are affected by they (Because they live in the same region).

"They steal western ideas and pass them off as their own" This don't sound very asian to me.

And that's why I also mentiond Venezuela, why people don't vote against that oppresive govenment? Because they are not affected.

The difference in China they "INVADED TERRITORIES" its not already INTERNAL CONFLICT its AFFECTING SEVERAL COUNTRIES!!! (And Japan don't?)

Free yourself of your otaku fanaticism
May 3, 2018
I see your claims are based on the historical facts and you believe in it(I believe in that NAZI thing); my claims are laws or treaties and it means it has legal basis compared to not so sure historical basis of mapping; why? because early mapping are not accurate.
about senkaku islands:
After World War Two, Japan renounced claims to a number of territories and islands including Taiwan in the 1951 Treaty of San Francisco. These islands, however, came under US trusteeship and were returned to Japan in 1971 under the Okinawa reversion deal.
Japan says China raised no objections to the San Francisco deal. And it says that it is only since the 1970s, when the issue of oil resources in the area emerged, that Chinese and Taiwanese authorities began pressing their claims.
(Obviously the China wants the oil)

Japan argues that it surveyed the islands in the late 19th century and found them to be terra nullius (Latin: land belonging to no one); subsequently, China acquiesced to Japanese sovereignty until the 1970s. The PRC and the ROC argue that documentary evidence prior to the First Sino-Japanese War indicates Chinese possession and that the territory is accordingly a Japanese seizure that should be returned as the rest of Imperial Japan's conquests were returned in 1945. "from wikipedia'.

This is especially true against the territorial dispute against South China Sea. The China is claiming that the sea are theirs according to some baseless historical whatever they call it, even though we(country) all agree with what was written in United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, especially the affected country. The China do this because they want the oil on the islands. The China also build airports on the said islands even though the conflict have not been resolved. This is clearly an aggressive stance of China.

If you're place is too far on Asia, I'll tell you this, that the said islands that China claims, the China built military base on the islands right now and the islands are good strategical military place. This is clearly an aggressive stance of China without fixing the said issue. (Will you build a house on a land when you don't have yet legal rights?) The tension in the territorial dispute is high right now more than what happened in North Korea. The America also have been sending ships to allied country to watch the situation.
The Sri Lanka port have been taken over by the China due to debt issues. With this adding the China's military potentially getting a foothold in the Indian Ocean through the deep-sea port of Hambantota, which straddlles a major east-west shipping route. The people here in Asia are fearing the steadily increase of military of China. That is why they are hated RIGHT NOW.

If you think that those historical facts you said are the truth then be it. Its your stance not mine. My only concern is the national security of my country.
read this and know how the chinese goverment control some maps that they got. The historic rights their saying are nonsense they only want the natural resources.
"They seem to be polite, but always hide their wicked mind. Never trust Japanese!"

"Japanese, So called as two-faced people, who they are. Well not all of them have such an awful reputation but a few act like they're very polite in every move when they face foreigners or people not belong to them, seems like they show some respects and smile for real."

"I post the site cause of the people's comments with obviously historical facts, not just hate comments."
(And when did those comment become comments with historical facts. Those are obviously hate comments)
Did you ever tried to communicate or make a deal in business with Chinese? I've experienced it already they are greedy. They will ask you something like(I won't give concrete example) "I will pay your services $1.00 and make me house." (something like that) what an absurd request was that. And what worse sometimes they will run away without paying and will never say thanks to you. And if you don't know most counterfeit products came from China, and China never did take an action, you know how much economic loss have lost.(This is why they are liars)(This is also greed)
"The problem is that you use the ranking just as hate list."
I never used that as a hate list. It is a ranking of hated country BTW. You are the one who posted that link and not me. The moment you have posted that link you already lost the battle because you are the one who posted that link and not me and you should be liable. And you're saying you don't care even if your the one who posted that. Tsk. You shouldn't irresponsibly post link. You must see to it you can defend it. (This is why people just copy and paste without knowing its content).

You are probably a kid who doesn't understand society. How politician would do underhanded tricks to get the attention/hearts of masses you are easily fooled. You probably have not gone to court sessions were playing minds is very important. How to use evidence on evidence. This is the real world its not sweet, it's very harsh. Your real world is your friends, drop that and think for your own. Grow up from you otaku fanaticism. This is not a matter of just hate or anything. Its a matter of national security, and bullying weak countries because they know those countries couldn't fight back. This is reality don't just say irresponsible words.
Mar 26, 2018
I fucking hate when authors include this "monster rape women" trait left-over from dounjins... Is this supposed to be appealing for anyone? Even worse is when they are raped then eaten... For fucks sakes keep these degenerate traits in your dounjins NTR trash pile...
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
But that's how reality is. :/ When soldiers conquer some land it also leaves rape behind.

wowowow what are those wall of texts bellow?
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
@YellowChica But that's how "real" the after of wars, are. It does happen, even in this years, it's happening in war zone areas. Believe it or not.... Stop being inside your peace bubble, that bubble is there thanks to those still war zone country's.
Active member
Apr 13, 2018
you see , flame wars are fun , only and if only you don't bring it to your heart and or you don't bring it to your respective real world you dumbfish .

but you see , bringing political matter inside this comment section is a big no-no , especially since this platform is accepting any access from any user's respective countries .

and believe me , it won't solve any country's problem , it won't help stop the fishing war outside our so called peace-bubble , it won't stop bad people's behavior , or simply it doesn't do a shyt to real world problem . oh yeah , being aware of your bad side is helps but that's the only good thing .

STOP BRINGING POLITICAL MATTERS NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NATIONALITY ARE ! and just start enjoying and or appreciating the fishing manga for that is the purpose of this platform . easy right ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
what is wrong with MC killing a few dozen chinese in a work of pure fiction?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@zetsubouzanto This is the internet, my heart is a seasoned warrior that has braved countless battlefields, politics are also entertainment to me.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
Ugh, I really think that any racist or nationalist person is pitiful, since he has zero redeeming qualities and only thing that he can take pride in is his skin color/nationality. Both things they are born with, so that makes them literal human garbage.
I can agree on hating racial pride, it's damn stupid and a base of identity politics, but I disagree with your comment when it comes to nationality. The word doesn't seem to have a consistent definition. I hate that the word has become associated with ethnicity.

(This is outside the context of the manga)
In my opinion, being nationalistic isn't about ethnicity nor where you are born; it is about being patriotic and respecting the values and culture of said nation. It's about wanting to maintain its identity, culture, beliefs and language. You don't have to be proud of everything in it nor its history, of course. And moderates don't necessarily exclude someone because of their original nationality; if they share the same values as me, wish to contribute to said nation and integrate, they will gladly be welcomed.
Jun 9, 2018
@Anoon2323 seems like you fell for the same thing you tried to make clear - messing things up and getting things wrong. Let's look at what you said about being nationalistic. Read that one more time. Then look up nationalist-social party of Germany. Yeah, exactly identity and culture. And don't start on fascism it's an Italian thing. Why do you think nazi were called nazi? Nationalism is about your nation being better than the others. You don't have to be nationalistic to respect culture. Thus, my statement stays the same, if a person's only/main redeemable quality, bear with me, IN HIS OWN EYES, is his skin color/nationality, or even ethnicity(since you have brought this matter up) - this person is a literal human garbage. You may be proud about your culture, or proud about what some prominent figure from your country did in the past, but if you think that you are are better than someone just because you were born in a particular place, or with particular skin color, then go fuck yourself. To be clear, everything I wrote is just my opinion. It doesn't target you, or anyone in particular.(in case if there are some sensitive snowflakes)
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
You read jack from my post. I stated it's not simply from where you are born nor your skin color and yet you argue against just that.
You bring up nazism. NatSoc is a specific extreme ideology that includes the race supremacy aspect and you act as if all nationalism is like that. Wow, you noticed it has the word "national" in it, must be the same thing? It's not. Where did I mention it being anything about supremacy or being better than anyone else? If you didn't notice, I disagree with people thinking they're better because of skin, race, ethnicity.

I fucking love Japan because it is nationalist. It has a strong and unique identity and culture. I don't want it to change. I like America because of its values and base, such as the constitution and certain subcultures. The US has ways to go, but there are good things in it. Me? I'm not attached to my home because I find it lacking in culture, identity and any sort of growth. I see lack of nationalism it as a symptom of a dying nation. My nation doesn't appeal to me, yet I still love it for its nature. There were many nations that were so cultured but have fallen and lost all sense of identity.

No shit your post was your opinion. Did you miss where I wrote "in my opinion?" Sensitive?
Learn to read. Don't screech about things that weren't written.
Jun 9, 2018
@Anoon2323 You seem to be a guy who just wants something to rant about. AFAIK nationalism is an extreme form of patriotism. People literally take pride in a country to an extreme. And feel superior about that. Nationalism does definitely have ties to identity and culture, but those are fucking different things. You think lack of nationalism is a sign of a dying nation? Wanna go back to the 20th century? Lack of nationalism is a good thing. You know why? Because nationalism is outdated. The concept of countries is outdated. Nationalism gives you things like Iron Curtain and hinders progress. As I already said, there is nothing wrong with loving your culture or valuing the identity of your country. Just don't fucking take this to extreme. You say you love Japan for being nationalistic. Isn't there a better word for the things you say you love this country for? Maybe traditional? It holds more value if we speak about culture than "nationalistic".
Mar 26, 2018
@conscript117 no shit. Also please
it's happening in war zone areas
hold your expertise there... I might not be able to follow such a profound analysis...

@conscript117 @monkey123 yes I am quite aware, might I say out some of my relatives have been raped just like that because of "real war" like you put it... I just don't want that shit in a fluffy go lucky fantasy manga. Thank you very much...
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 2, 2018
I am obviously against extremism. We're just arguing definitions now. Forget it.
Aside from that, the concept of countries isn't outdated. A country simply defines political and territorial boundaries. It marks where the government's power and law reach, and for it to differentiate itself from other possible forms or practices of govt.
"Isn't there a better word..." I don't think there is. "Traditional" wouldn't include a culture's modern form; and I'd consider patriotism to be an individual's attachment to their homeland. I like the concept of peoples sovereignty being uniquely expressed; of course, save for extreme practices.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
Well we have officially entered a Full Scaled Culture War, there is no longer any holds bar and eve3rything you have ever said on the internet will be used against you, I would like to thank the promotors of Outrage Culture for making this happen.

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