Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Oct 18, 2020
I think people complain too much, if it is fun it's fun and this is fun so why think too much about it ? Go read Dostoevsky if you want something more elevated lol
Aug 25, 2020
Wait is the author racist? Seeing comments here and there. Does anybody have links?
Jun 27, 2018

This site seems to have some screenshots of his twitter posts that have seemed to spark the whole debate.
It's kinda ridiculous though, if you understand Japanese.
Most comments are low quality bad jokes, especially since they don't really hint at the country itself, just use the Kanji that can be read the same way.

Yes, he uses the Kanji 虫/蟲(mushi is the kun-yomi, chuu the on-yomi, which is the same as of 中[middle/center]) and 姦(midara is the only non-verbal kun-yomi, kan and ken are the on-yomi, kan is also the on-yomi of 韓[Korea]), but he properly uses the right Kanji in the historical context posts.

Also, the Kanji 姦 does not mean rape. It means evil (woman), adulterer/adulteress. The verb 姦する means to commit adultery by consent or by rape. So Kankoku would translate as "land of adultery" or "land of evil women", not as "land of rape".

The one thing in his posts that is very nasty to say is that Japan greatest misfortune is that lies next to the country of adultery, the dwelling place of the worst creatures in the world [世界最悪の動物].
He also occasionally uses the word 猿 (saru = monkey) to describe the dwellers of the land of adultery.

It's strange that the people are in outrage,though, but still sell the Qur'an that does the same to Jews and Christians, who are deemed as the "worst of creatures" (Surah 98:6: "Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures." ).
Some of the Jews even have been transformed to pigs and apes according to Muhammad (Surah 2:65-66 :"And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. We said to them: "Be apes—despised and hated by all." 66 Thus We made their end a warning to the people of their time and succeeding generation, and an admonition for God-fearing people.";
Surah 5:60 : "Say (O Muhammad SAW to the people of the Scripture): "Shall I inform you of something worse than that, regarding the recompense from Allah: those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath, those of whom (some) He transformed into monkeys and swines, those who worshipped Taghut (false deities); such are worse in rank (on the Day of Resurrection in the Hell­fire), and far more astray from the Right Path (in the life of this world)".")

Of course this doesn't mean that his posts are excused, but we have seen far worse on Twitter without any serious consequences, so it is strange that people lashed out so much in this case .

Oh, and by the way, his tweets seemingly cannot be racist by either definition of the term ( first one is the standard definition of creating a system of racial superiority and inferiority, the second one is the anti-white narrative one that is used as a slur against white people to shut down any form of criticism against non-white people) because

1. He probably is an East Asian, and the people he talks badly about belong to the same race as himself, so if he was truly making his own race inferior, then what was the point of putting Japan above China and Korea?

2. If he's East Asian, then he isn't White, so he cannot be subject to the anti-white slur, which is the second, postmodern definition of "racist"

So no matter which terminology you are using, it makes no sense to use the term racism, it's supremacy if anything.
Aug 16, 2020
i don't care what the author did, he can be a murderer for all I care

simple reason:
^this manga
Oct 3, 2020
@Asriel my brother you should give the surah from 62- 66 for better context there's already a lot of islamophobia please don't spread more..

Indeed, the believers, Jews, Christians, and Sabians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good will have their reward with their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.

And ˹remember˺ when We took a covenant from you and raised the mountain above you ˹saying˺, “Hold firmly to that ˹Scripture˺ which We have given you and observe its teachings so perhaps you will become mindful ˹of Allah˺.”

Yet you turned away afterwards. Had it not been for Allah’s grace and mercy upon you, you would have certainly been of the losers.

You are already aware of those of you who broke the Sabbath. We said to them, “Be disgraced apes!”

So We made their fate an example to present and future generations, and a lesson to the God-fearing.

as for 5:60 you should give from 5:41 to 5:86 for better context
Aug 15, 2020
Things just escalated from discussion about the author's tweet to religion real fukin quick...

Active member
Oct 16, 2018
This might just be a me thing but I just noticed in my growing years that people will jump to the defense of Islam in literally any place I go no matter the subject yet I see Christianity attacks all the time to deafening silence. Not going to discuss it further than that in the slightest but just something i've noticed.
Jun 15, 2018
First all religion is shit. It is mostly old myths built up by previous myths used as a societal control and tribal unity. It really has no use for the future of humanity. Is the a real god? No one can really say. Is "my god(s) real"? Most assuredly no. This goes for Christianity. This goes for Islam. This goes for Hindus. This goes for more conceptual views like Deists. PERIOD. It is easily proven YOUR god is not real. As for is Islam worse than Christianity or Judaism. By the laws given in their books of myths? No. Your books are full of crimes against humanity and your god is a garbage being. Functionally in modern day? This is an actual interesting point of debate. On the individual or following or even small state level I would argue Yes, Islam as a whole causes more religious harm to its adherents and their neighbors more than the others. On the other hand at world scale Christianity historically and in the modern day has a far worse impact on the world than Islam. It has been used to justify imperialism and genocide (cultural or physical) historically and even in the modern era (Iraq War was literally called a Crusade by those in power in the U.S.). The reason people defend Islam over Christianity is two fold, especially if you live in a Western Country. Everywhere BUT North Africa and Western/Central Asia and Indonesia it is a minority and a rather persecuted one at that while Christianity in those areas despite being "attacked all the time" is not. It actually has power it shouldn't have in social, political and economic matters. Also when talking about treatment on a world stage, Christianity is suppressed much less than Islam overall and there are no major current genocides against while there are over a dozen Islamic groups currently being subjected to genocide both from other Islamic sects but other groups including Buddhists, Hindus and from secularist states. Lastly Islam has an inherent racial bias perceived almost across the world that frankly causes others who have similar looks to be targeted.
Jul 20, 2019
1. He probably is an East Asian, and the people he talks badly about belong to the same race as himself, so if he was truly making his own race inferior, then what was the point of putting Japan above China and Korea?
Japaneses clearly see themselfs almost like another race than others asiatics. Damn, there is even japanese people who still says that the japaneses did'n come from China, that they are some kind of descendents of some divine beings. Even the colonialism and atrocities that they commited before and during the second war was justified because they did'n view the others people as humans being and what they were doing was their "fair right", their justice. Have you ever heard the expression "[something] is justice" in mangas? for them, raping and killing people that weren't japaneses was justice, because was their right to do so as japaneses, a superior human race. This is clearly different from nacionalism. Even nowadays the japaneses are extremely racists, dude. There is a lot of cases of racism and its correlated xenophobia in Japan. I don't think i even had to say that, though. Japan are the Nazi germany that got defeated, but kind of still continues to be Nazi. They did'n the desnazification that the germans did, and when a author, or any public autority, says something racist/xenophobic, this is not something to be ignored, otherwise, they will feel that their stance is valid and legitime, which, of course, is not.

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