Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de - Vol. 5 Ch. 25 - It seems like the Fight continues.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
telling demons about their war crimes to the dude that helped his country make the same crimes except with millions of people and not just 300.
Double-page supporter
May 10, 2018
I hope it's not axed. reading the LN itself is way too supressing for me.
Double-page supporter
Apr 29, 2018
All we can do is wait hoping it will not axed. This series is getting good as the story progress. The LN is already cancelled by J-Novel starting July 1.
Mar 10, 2018
@Medison - Wasn't only the anime cancelled? The LN is on hold but i hope that soon they can continue to publish it. After all the author already apologized for these 5 years old tweets. Too much overraction about a trivial thing like this, he wrote just some hate words, seems the end of the world. My god.
Aggregator gang
Apr 24, 2018
Wait it was a tweet 5 years ago? Overreact much.... What was said in that tweet anyways?Just curious.
Group Leader
Apr 30, 2018
these massive updates are brought to you by scanlation groups war but the reader is the winner.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
pg17: "i intended to cut his entire right arm off" was there twice. go wake up your proofreader
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
> "In our world there is something called war crimes." Oh, the irony...

No irony, America still haven't paid for using nuclear weapon against civilian cities TWICE, using agent yellow and other bunch of chemical weapons, + still bombing innocent ppl here and there as they please.
Group Leader
Jan 24, 2018
@Owyn I think he was hinting at Japan's incredible streak of war crimes around WW I & II.

What's going on with the author tho ? I understand he's posted hate words on Twitter but what's going on ? Is he being publicly shamed or something ? Is he going to be prosecuted ? What happened ?
Japan always go ultra-extreme about such things... I hope it won't ruin this series...

Edit: ok so while going thru all the comments on the manga page, I found this link explaining everything :

Author is definitely fucked up in the head, for thinking this, for saying anything about what he thought AND for saying it on public networks.
However, I'm sad this is impacting his work, I don't care about the author's person, I don't care if he's the worst scum if he makes good stuff, however when you get to the point where your country and other countries get to your ass for publicly being illegal, he deserves every bits of what he's getting.
But I'll miss this series, it was getting interesting...
Aggregator gang
Apr 24, 2018
Big deal. If America made a movie where they killed bunch of Japanese civilians and said they deserved it, i would still watch if the movie was good.
Jan 26, 2018
On Page 17 with the repeated text, the second one is actually supposed to be "It's harder than I thought (Omotta yori katai na...)"
Double-page supporter
Apr 13, 2018
"For the massacre of those elves in the fortress." Correct me if I'm wrong because I only started reading this again after a long hiatus, but all the elves in that fortress were armed, right? It's not a war crime to attack and kill armed combatants, which presumably would include every last elf in that fortress. (I want to emphasize that it was a military installation.) Seems to me like the author is just using this as a weak excuse to make the MC a bit of a sadistic asshole towards muscle-brained demon guy.

And because he took extra time to inflict pain, his elf comrades also had to endure attacks for a longer time. Had Renya simply beheaded the demon ASAP, the battle fought by the elves would have been shortened. That ogre might not have even gotten to the point of striking elf girl, let alone lifting her up by her arm.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
They said there were also civilians in the fortress. Women were raped and then eaten.

The winners of a war are never guilty of war crimes. Only the losers are judged. This might sound strange and illogical, but that's how it is.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 4, 2018

DOESN’T waste time talking. He attaccs and proteccs decisively and coldly :))))
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
No irony, America still haven't paid for using nuclear weapon against civilian cities TWICE

...I like how people like yourself constantly bring up Nagasaki and Hiroshima while ignoring that the firebombing campaigns of the Allies (like in Dresden) killed far more without any nuclear blast, radiation or cancer to calculate in years later. And besides the fact that many Japanese even realize the alternative was letting the Allies starve out Japan by targeting their shipping and food imports or invading the mainland - which would leave Japan as a literal graveyard.

Did America commit atrocities during WW2? Sure. Is one of them the use of atomic weapons? No.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
- It's not a matter of numbers, it's about breaking international laws and rules of war, especially attacking civilians with forbidden means of warfare, especially nuclear or chemical weapons (US still bombs civilians with white phosphorus in Syria btw) are the most representative and ofc not being prosecuted for it anyhow so they continue doing it freely (and they do)
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
It's not a matter of numbers, it's about breaking international laws and rules of war, especially attacking civilians with forbidden means of warfare, especially nuclear or chemical weapons
And if you think that includes the first use of atomic bombs, which up until that point had been one of the most costly and well-kept secrets in history - I have to ask you what crystal ball this omnipotent international governing organization has and how we're in this "chicken or the egg" situation.

Or, more likely, you're incorrect. Most of the laws you're citing on American in WWII? WHERE WRITTEN INTO LAW AFTER THE END OF THE WAR. Ironically enough with the support of America and other nations that were involved in the war. Ex Post Facto, my dude, does not apply.

(US still bombs civilians with white phosphorus in Syria btw) are the most representative and ofc not being prosecuted for it anyhow so they continue doing it freely (and they do)
Do you know who also "bombs civilians" with white phosphorus? The Russians. Multiple times.
But, wait, there's more!

Gee, logically, one would have to wonder how much of a cliff that moral high ground is. If the Syrian government is okay with doing it to their own citizens, it's okay. Hell, it's even somehow okay if Russia does it. But America? Wew lad, that's just a step TOO FAR! ...Come the fuck on.

First of all, if you believe anything coming out of the god damn weaponized dumpster fire that is the Syrian Civil War without multiple sources from non-biased entities, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you can buy.
Second of all, Syria has civilians living in an active warzone for... some damn reason. Why there are people STILL living in what's... left... of Aleppo is beyond me. No home is worth you and your family's life and when weapons fire is being exchanged with you in the middle even a literal hole in the ground is a better place to be. TL;DR: accidents happen, welcome to your first day of the reality of war.
Third of all, white phosphorus is one of the best methods of generating long lasting and voluminous concealment/smoke screens and are useful for marking targets as well. It is also one of the shittier methods to use to burn and inflict harm on people when you compare to what is in the U.S. and Russian arsenals that they could drop instead (and probably even goes for Syria, too). If they wanted to use something that was devastating, they would, and it would be much more effective than white phosphorus. Yeah, yeah, I played Spec Ops: The Line, too. And I'll tell you right now an FAE would make even the absolute worst of WP look like a field cake - with cake and cookies.

You need to get some perspective, my dude. Badly.

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