Nidome no Natsu, Nidoto Aenai Kimi

Mar 7, 2019
good manga, but
it'd be cool if the mc went back in Time again to Say to Rin that he likes her in the live (the Real ending is still good though, even if it's sad)
Apr 24, 2019
The story's good tbh
Its just that the actions of the main girl confuses me sometimes
Mar 10, 2021
It's a touching piece of work. I enjoyed reading this manga. It leaves a sense of bittersweet melancholy in the aftermath.

I think both the MC Satoshi and Rin actually travel back to the past together which is why Rin started acting differently from before in the second take. There were quite some parts in the manga that hinted on this.

Both Satoshi and Rin didn't realized that each other have past memories, so they both missed out on the opportunity to confirm their feelings with each other and start dating. A bit sad that MC couldn't confess his feelings to Rin in the end of the second take, but I can understand why he didn't do it. I felt that by not confessing, it makes the story richer and the plot feels more whole and complete.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2023
Was really really good until the last chapter imo where it faltered. This was written so wonderfully too. Oh well
I'm tired of bitch-made MCs that can't man tf up and say how they feel. Fuck off Satoshi!
Dex-chan lover
Mar 23, 2024
The story was... alright. It felt rushed near the end, almost like they were warned about being axed and decided "Fuck it, scrap shit and finish this in a somewhat decent way".

For example, it felt like it was being hinted that Rin ALSO went back in time or, at least, had memories of the future. Especially with all those changes to the past, including the fact she started being more forward with her feelings towards him. I expected him to, at least, admit his feelings to her on the rooftop near the end since it wouldn't have been so bad then.

The story tried to end on a high note, but that note ended up being sour. With how the story was near the beginning, I'm going to assume that the story was axed VERY prematurely, as it felt like we still had more developments to go through. I have a feeling this was supposed to, AT LEAST, be 20-30 chapters to allow for more development and such. Overall, not a bad story but it was clearly NOT the story the author was going with at the beginning, at least not completely.
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