Nihonkoku Shoukan - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - To The Royal Palace

Jun 14, 2018
@welcome2atlantis even without the light, helicopter is damn loud. Stealthy approach is pretty much impossible, so may as well use bright light to see what's on the ground to clear out random stragglers and prepare a landing zone is the correct decision here


Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Which retard fires HEAT to break fortifications?
Active member
Aug 22, 2018
We get introduced to all these mooks from the opposition side just to be mowed down in gun fire/explosions. I can hardly remember a named jap in this story. If one was even introduced? Do we just watch a modern army go around fantasy world causing whatever like watching an unbalanced game of civ?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
When infiltrating, why use such bright illuminations? That's just like announcing that you're going inside that castle.
...I think the loud-as-all-fuck 1,800 horsepower turboshaft engine powering the thing along with the rotors throwing that sound out might be a wee bit of an announcement far and away more than the lights on the helicopter.

Even with NOTAR helicopters, they aren't exactly stealthy to human ears. You can do some shit to mitigate it like flying NAP and taking advantage of terrain masking your approach and popping up at the last minute... if... the terrain allows it. Not really any way to do that with a castle on top of a hill. They'll hear you coming and then see you coming for some distance away. Better to just kick on all the lights and spook the shit out of them with something they've never seen to take advantage of the initiative.
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018

Huh. I just realize that none of the prominent Japanese characters is properly introduced. That Glasses Diplomat only named in chapter 3 in a conversation. 7th Division commander is named in chapter 11 but his name is in footnote.
Jan 24, 2018
I'm surprised the evil empire, didn't at least attempt to send over some diplomats to smooth things over after all this.
Aggregator gang
Mar 25, 2019
Just use the tanks to carve a way into the palace woth some ifvs snag the king and order them to surrender... If they dont quickly exfil and fucking drop ...a fucking lot of explosives
What would you have used? A fucking ap sabot? Besides HEAT-MP-T rounds are supposed to be able to deal with bunkers and light armor Not to mention they are shooting at a wooden door
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
@themanj The Japanese didn't do that, because of the Media and because they don't want to involve the civilians in the crossfire, since they're officially only helping their ally to deal with some bad terrorists, so that's why they're sending their SWAT team to arrest the "insurgents leader", and not going full blitzkrieg against Al-quatoyne (I think that's the name or something like this) because they have can only fight against the "insurgents" and not the enemy nation
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
@themanj Tanks work poorly in cities, even mudbrick ones like this one, since they can get caught under buildings or over piles of rubble, and in this town the streets might well be too narrow to let them through (and catching two walls at the same time can also stop the tank, or make it throw a track). Given they prefer zero own casualties (or at least provable such, for propaganda reasons if no others) they stick to letting specialties work where they are most suited.

As for the wooden gate, a HEAT is so much overkill that it might not work particularly well at all. It's so very directional. (It doesn't fight the structure - it's task is to make a small hole and then expand and kill the people behind the protection.)
On the other hand, a tank crew would know that as well, and fire a HE round (which is what you use to fight light fortifications) so that's just a mangaka error. (Especially given that the result images also look like HE effect.)
Aggregator gang
Apr 13, 2019
@karanga Nope, they gonna do like the US all over again... Bringing liberty, freedom and democracy wherever the sun touches
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
heat round for a wooden gate?... HE is more than enough for breaching...
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
That was not a stealthy mission :p

That said, if the objective was to capture the enemy palace, the whole action on the outside was just a very expensive and showy smoke screen. I can understand why they did this ( to show what happens to who messes up with Japan or their interests ) , but it seeems ... excessive.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 15, 2018
So, what, is that guy going to arm the maids as a diversion, and the JSDF going to have to file paperwork for having killed civvies?

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