Nihonkoku Shoukan

Active member
Sep 7, 2023
From what I have read, they DID have a massive scare, but the designers didn't focus on it, and they sent out the Japanese Airforce out to scout around, and sent out scout ships from the Japanese Coast Guard, which is why the first chapter is all about the Japanese scout plane being seen by the locals of the nearest island.
Jul 10, 2024
sudah bagus,penggambaran,alur cerita,penokohan,dan penggambaran peralatan SDF yang detail,manga yang sangat bagus,lanjut terus,semangat untuk admin dan staff Basoayam,Mangayaku kerja bagus,terimakasih atas kerja kerasnya,semangat terus update nya ya

it's good, the depiction, storyline, characterization and detailed depiction of SDF equipment, very good manga, keep going, cheers to the Basoayam admin and staff, Mangayaku good work, thank you for your hard work, keep up the enthusiasm for updating!
Jul 13, 2024
I'm kind of surprised that the US Detachment in Japan didn't get involved in this. Pretty sure they would go crazy after learning the massive amounts of Human Rights Violations that occurred
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2020
Ain't no way this is a 2018 manga with art that looks pre-historic. Oh well, bye-bye, had enough of this idea with GATE. Not much significant change if it was Japan itself transported rather than a gate opening up...
Feb 6, 2021

This shit here is pure Japs power fantasy.
Aug 23, 2024
After 26 chapters I dropped this. And that's me, loving Isekai power fantasy drivel. There is not an ounce of intelligence in this plot. Which during the first arc was also glorious, glorious warcrimes.
At first I thought this was from the 80s with the ancient art and shlocky plot but no... this runs now.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 11, 2020
I'm kind of surprised that the US Detachment in Japan didn't get involved in this. Pretty sure they would go crazy after learning the massive amounts of Human Rights Violations that occurred
Jan 3, 2019

This shit here is pure Japs power fantasy.
I find the manga funny.

It's pure military style power fantasy of people that wish they didn't lose WW2...
I expected the magic stuff to have a chance... but it's sadly just a one sided slaughter.

The weird poses they do in conversations always makes me laugh xD.
So im continiung reading this.


Imagen if the USA was teleported.
They would go nuts for some cheap reason too xD.

Or russia ... or sout korea ... or the oil rich nations.
So much stuff to plunder.
Even now peacefull nations would go hogging stuff, if they saw the chance.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2023
idk why but it doesnt have the same charm as GATE has, what I love about GATE was their characters especially an mc that seemingly 'normal' yet nothing about him was. Interesting idea tho....
Dec 5, 2023
I find the manga funny.

It's pure military style power fantasy of people that wish they didn't lose WW2...
I tracked down the web novel / light novel (most of which has been translated). Turns out it's not power fantasy of people that wish they didn't lose WW2. It's anti-Imperial Japan, pro-modern pacifist Japan.

The antagonist countries that they blast to hell all do things that Imperial Japan did. If you know the history, you can pick out specific parallels between things the bad guys do, and things Imperial Japan did. One of the antagonists is almost a carbon copy of Imperial Japan (island nation, same population as Imperial Japan, colonial, racial superiority ideology). Author even gives them a ship said to be identical to the Yamato, and names their primary fighter plane the type zero-seven (not type 7, but type 07).

The author is clearly a big fan of the military (repeats specs of military hardware over and over, and over and over). But their political message behind the story seems to be: hegemony bad, peaceful coexistence good, but don't be afraid to use your military power to protect that peaceful coexistence. They're probably expressing their disappointment over Japan refusing to participate in the Gulf War coalition to oust Iraq from Kuwait. (Japan eventually did deploy a unit overseas for the first time during the UN peacekeeping actions in the Balkans conflict.)

I expected the magic stuff to have a chance... but it's sadly just a one sided slaughter.
Towards the end of the Gra Valkan arc, the top magic nation does bring out hardware which performs better than Japan's (after they use their observations of Japan's weapons to guide their R&D). But they're allied with Japan so don't go at each other.

The story is pretty obviously setting up the Ancient Sorcerous Empire as the BBEG. I still have a few volumes to go, but they have yet to show up. Only some experiments they left behind which became the demon lords, which were easily dispatched with modern weaponry.

The story does make a big deal about how a few decades of difference in tech level can result in a huge difference in power. Which is probably the author's pro-JSDF opinions showing through. They want the country to provide enough funding so the JSDF can acquire the latest hardware. And this story is their explanation why.
Last edited:
Dec 5, 2023
idk why but it doesnt have the same charm as GATE has, what I love about GATE was their characters especially an mc that seemingly 'normal' yet nothing about him was. Interesting idea tho....
The story doesn't really have any memorable protagonist characters. The antagonists stand out (especially Remille). But about the only character who stands out among the good guys is the princess of Altaras, and she's pretty passive (has stuff done to her, rather than does stuff). OK, maybe the observers from Mu, but that's just because of their funny face faults. I don't think they actually say or do anything. The only Japanese character who really stands out thus far is the diplomat.

Unfortunately, the author instead seems to be relying on memorable antagonist characters to drive the plot (there are people even worse than Remille in the LN/WN). While that does get readers vested in the story (want to see the bad guy get their comeuppance), it doesn't really leave you with good feelings about the story. (e.g. the Kevin Costner version of Robin Hood, where the most memorable character was the Sheriff of Nottingham. His actor was so fun to watch, the rest of the movie becomes forgettable.)

You need to have memorable recurring protagonists if you want the audience to empathize with the good guys, and have good feelings about the story.
Sep 22, 2024
This give me shivering all thru my body...
Be it the excitement of trampeling down the ringleader beloved country...
Or fear of how scary thoose carpet bomb taking away innocent life caused only by foolishness of that big badoonkers female noble...
Dec 30, 2023
Well it was interesting at first but in the end it's just hyper-nationalistic military propaganda

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