Fuck, that hits me in the feels. Two girls just trying to make it in this cruel world, and the one who died is the one that is most promising. Now the other girl is fucked. Fuckkk
Damn,girl with the brightest future...
Also,this literally just occurred to me,but perhaps its' actually her mother calling the hits,first on the father(in which we're told the client was "someone close to the target"[initial suspect being the daughter])and now on childhood friend("rival to my child in the entrance exam"[although this alone could be anyone]),the mother being a cray cray would be pretty interesting,unless she herself is also a victim.
Nonetheless,can't blame the assassin,it's all business and ranking up,after all,but there might be a slowly growing crack beneath the surface,one started by slamming into a formerly(or maybe still)busty pachinko addict body disposal dummy ninja.