Nisekoi: False Love

Dex-chan lover
Oct 5, 2019
i never really liked harems, but i guess this one was fine. there are like 50 filler chapters that were obvious fanservice, but there were a good 70 chapters, that i felt should've been organized beginning, middle and end. loved the ending. (please don't shoot me)
Dex-chan lover
Aug 26, 2018
I remember this one. Dropped it after 50 chapters because I knew MC was going to end up with annoying violent tsundere, but the author would drag it out for years.

Lo and behold, 179 chapters later, he gets with the annoying violent tsundere. Glad I saved myself years of boring, pointless harem garbage.

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Dec 9, 2019
Banyak amat yg komen sekutunya onodera..
aku fan harem... tapi karena ini udah bisa ditebak bakal cinta seorang saja.. jadi ya.. first sights ku adalah Chitoge...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
And here I was hoping I'd never have to think about this series ever again. Oh well.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
ROFL so many #teamonodera butthurt people.

Mar 18, 2019
i would appreciate it if i was 14 or 15 y/o. Series like these continues for this long, and many potential series are axed. Fuck the stupid readers, they deserve shit.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2019
@Randomguy01 You summed it up fucking perfectly, and it's sad that it ALWAYS happens. I feel like the authors think they're being sneaky like "nobody will see THIS coming" meanwhile we all see it coming and we hate it
Active member
Apr 22, 2019
This is the typical when you just read a few chapters and look back at the name then got the conclusion.
Oct 6, 2019
200+ Chapters for ONE KISS!!!!!!
Zero stars

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Double-page supporter
Dec 28, 2019
plot twist
Both FLs turn Yuri with each other and marry each other instead
and ML is now a single fuck
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
my god fuckingo fficial chapters aren't even in order

what the fuck how can they fuck this up that badly and their scroll function is limited to scroll down 4/5ths of a page only

I'm fine with supporting the author using official sources but when it's this retarded... urgh
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
this is literally the first and only manga i have ever dropped just before the end. i was reading this from when it first came out all the way up to chapter 200 or just a little before it, can't remember when exactly i did it. but those chapters were sop hamfisted on how they wanted the story to end that it completely pissed me off beyond comprehension. we get it every f*cking harem has to end this way for no real good f*cking reason but please just stop forcing it so damned close to the end every time.
its always the tsundere who somehow punched her way into the mc's heart that wins and its always out of left field right at the end when the mc finally makes his decision on who he really wants to be with even though up until that point it was pretty obvious that he only liked the first love interest and his feelings for every other harem member was nothing more than sexual attraction to the opposite sex. maybe its because the mc has so much more physical contact with the tsundere that he always falls for them or maybe its a severe case of Stockholm syndrome or head trauma that makes them fall in love with their abuser.
in any case i strongly suggest for anyone that wants to read this to not do it. this is bad enough to be compared to infinite stratos.
Group Leader
Mar 11, 2020
oh, i remember reading this a few years ago, it wasn't very good but still

Apr 4, 2020
@Dracosafarius, @Demonslender, this a good manga for beginner readers. This was one of the first romcom i read and i really liked it then. Now i can see all the stereotypes of the tsundere and everything and how they always seem to prevail. Mind recommending me some good ones?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2019
@Sturdy Out of what I can remember I'd say Gal Gohan or Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan, both are pretty a nice ride but don't pull the massive out of nowhere progression like too many do.
Sep 18, 2019
There are cliches and common tropes, oodles of fillers and random harem-members but the heart of the story was in my opinion well-done. The first 60 or so chapters march the story forward until it enters into filler-land, yet the story remains humorous and interesting throughout. The wrap-up came at a rapid-fire pace until the actual important bits of the storyline which left my poor heart reeling from the trail of tears. All in all well-done, but I'll be taking a break from romance/harem mangas as I need to take a rest from all the broken hearts.
If you leave out all the filler plots and characters, I very much enjoyed the story and there were certainly moments where I was surprised by the depth of the characters. I'm sure we all know exactly what type of cliche-filled story we wandered into here.
Worth a read? Up to you, but I certainly enjoyed the read.
Apr 27, 2020
When I first started reading it, I really didn't expect much from this manga but it really resonated with me on an emotional level. The childhood background story that it's based on is really unique and touching and whilst the plot and the character have their own flaws, the love story really delivers. I can see why people in the comments would be unhappy with some of the tropes and clichés, but the core story is well written in my opinion. Whilst it took a long time (2/3) until we got to the serious part pf the plot, the mini story arcs were really fun so it didn't feel that long at all. A real tearjerker at the end.

I also don't get the hate for Chitoge. Sure at the start she's seen as this evil bitch tsundere but that's because of the circumstances of how her and MC met (again) and their whole fake dating arangement and her violent side is just a manga trope that I didn't take as serious as some of you might have. And even still we see her progression to a girl she really is. Someone who would sacrifice everything for her friends because she didn't have many growing up. A girl that twice agreed to have her heart shattered just so she wouldn't stay in a way of her two best friends (one of which is the love of her life) being in love. And don't get me wrong I'm absolutely brokenhearted for Onodera (even though I rooted for Chitoge) because she deserved her happiness with MC as well. She was the purest character in this whole story. But I like the progression of the Raku's relationship with Chitoge more, because otherwise it would feel as a waste of time reading 200+ chapters just for MC to end up with a girl he liked from even before the first chapter yet still took more than 200 chapters and 3 years for him to even have the balls to admit that and that's after he fell in love with Chitoge and after Onodera confessed. They both were either really dense about eachother or scared about their relationship, probably both. My only big criticism is that it took that long for MC and Chitoge to have their first kiss, because the story in general was a bit too pure and childish. But on the other hand that's what made it so wholesome

Also shoutout Haru, my favourite, even though she never stood a chance with MC.
Jul 1, 2020
After reading the comments, i have a reply. Go watch the anime and tell me if you still have the same opinion. After all, its what made me read the manga.

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