Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - Labyrinth of The New Moon

Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@RemIpsum Its already about the same as an Elf eating Humans. The only difference is that these orcs have not defined themselves as "sentient beings" in the eyes of others. They are spawned through magic and do not seem to have quite enough intelligence to be considered "civilized".

If elves spawned in the dungeon and could not speak, would it be ok to eat them? Ask yourself this. Make the creature act exactly the same except it looks like an intelligent fantasy race. If its not still ok then figure out why its not.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 27, 2018

If the dungeon made monsters aren't even remotely sapient and are little more than killbots, then I guess it's fine. If you grew human meat in a vat, without any brain attached, then I wouldn't consider it unethical to eat it — just weird, and maybe a waste of money.


It sounds like they eat wild orcs too, insofar as a civilization of tool wielding communal humanoids can be considered "wild". Which is like an elf eating a normal human circa the days when we were first figuring out things like agriculture.

It's messed up, is what I'm saying.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
The last two pages were a little confusing. Anyone understand what they meant? I assume the "achievements" he means are increasing his rank in the guild. What was Sheila's story?
Group Leader
Apr 30, 2018
@BestBoy neither do I, I don't know the context of his sentence in those, but maybe we'll know more in the next chapter or so..
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
Is there a isekai manga that doesn't have a hot guild receptionist? I shouldn't hold my breath lol!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Saying that orc meat is surrounded by muscles is pretty stupid, except from innards, the meat IS mostly muscles...

@cullinaire S-Rank Monster no Behemoth Dakedo, Neko to Machigawarete Erufu Musume no Kishi (Pet) Toshite Kurashitemasu doesn’t have one. It’s not really isekai but still
Dex-chan lover
Aug 29, 2018
And... now he can just get to his dreams without any problem if he keeps hunting monsters and not just stop after only completing the quest.... Can he learn magic now... make flames and stuff???
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@RemIpsum I don't believe i was disagreeing with you. Your judgment of it being "messed up" is personal but you are correct in your comparisons.

Im actually rather curious if the tribes reproduce. That would imply full living functionality no matter how its done. There are however questions regarding the clothing and tools. Do they simply spawn with such items? Do they learn or truly comprehend things? The origin creates a lot of questions which would need to be asked to truly define them as a creature.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2018
@Fuko Nope, MC always lived in this world and was simply reborn as a monster after getting killed in the dungeon. No isekai here


Jun 18, 2018
On page 17, in the 2nd dialogue box, "...provides leeway by displaying path." The sentence looks strange to me as I would think that the map would display multiple paths (unless the translation just describes one path). Unless I know the exact meaning, this sentence is a bit hard to reword. I would like to say, "This Map of Akasha that I received provides leeway by displaying paths.", but the sentence still doesn't flow correctly to me. So I would go for, "This Map of Akasha that I received makes it easier to see the paths in the labyrinth." A bit longwinded, but with the information that is currently given to me, it's all I can come up with at the moment.

In the 3rd dialogue box, the sentence feels unnatural. "The routes in the lower level are wider when compared to [the] "Labyrinth of [the] Moon's Reflection." I actually liked the translation that Champion Scans had for the name of the labyrinth so I would reword it to be, "The routes in the lower level are wider when compared to the Labyrinth of the Reflected Moon".

The 4th dialogue box seems to be really out of character for Lento. "So, it surely is an easy-to-be-ganked-by-monsters labyrinth" is gamer slang and doesn't seem to fit. If this is the actual translation, then nevermind. I'd just prefer if it was reworded, but it has been a while so I may be misremembering how Lento actually speaks.

Still on page 17, the 5th dialogue box, "As for solo player losing one's focus means death." I thought this world was real life to these people, so why is he referring to himself as a "solo player"? Probably lost in translation, but as stated before, if this is the actual translation, then nevermind. I would reword it to be "As a solo player, losing one's focus means death."

Nonetheless, thanks for the translation. Try your best out there!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@lapizlazuli Huh, weird. Guess it's just poor writing on the author's part?

@Xix For the "solo player" line, it could easily be replaced with "loner" or "a single party." Not sure if "a single party" would fit in the bubble real well, but it seems much more in line with the world's lore. If it's intended by the author to be gamer slang then that's just another example of some weird writing decisions by them.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 16, 2018
I stand corrected! Been reading so many titles with similar world mechanics so they are blurring together...

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