Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2023
Queen Azusa lol and the eight simps.
This would be an amazing twist if it happened. MC's stupid fucking revenge plot gets absolutely rendered moot as Azusa herself achieves her own vengeance. MC would undoubtedly grovel and whine about how "he was gonna get their revenge" and she can slap him back with the "but you never came to actually help".
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2023
As far as she knows, he sold her out to be raped, and everything that's happening to her now is an extension of her childhood friend basically selling her out.

He could have insisted on meeting her and telling her about how he was beaten up and about the fake text, and most importantly, ABOUT HIS HUGE SUPERNATURAL PLOT TO GET REVENGE.

EDIT: To put it into comparison, MC was bullied, got beaten up. He then receives power, and now has started on his own path into becoming an avenger. Azusa was deceived, raped, blackmailed, and continues to be raped. But hey I guess he has his life to live, and she has her life to... be raped? It's her problem, I guess, right?
I think it already has been shown but if not I'll place it in spoilers.

I'm pretty sure the CF knows it's not the MCs fault at this point. The rapist is also using the MC as leverage to continue raping the CF. In fact, the rapist told the CF that she and the MC are the same in the sense that they both were trying to protect each other during their abuse.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
I personally don't see any point for him in doing so, just because the girl should be saved or what? He's doing his own revenge, as stupid and slow as it is, and maybe he'll eventually get to her. And it's her problem for thinking he sold her out and not trying to actually talk to him. It's her fault that she pushed him away by accusing and hitting him.
"Don't see the point"? He's doing all this FOR her.

Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2023
"Don't see the point"? He's doing all this FOR her.
He's doing it for him in the first place. All the shit around Asmode, kidnapping, corrupting, etc. was for him and him only. Otherwise, he'd probably actually do things differently, wouldn't he? He's thinking about her probably more than she deserves for and will get to her eventually, but all you people continue losing your shit just because the MC doesn't go and save some random old acquaintance of his just because, each damn chapter.
And she made her choice. And people should drop that "friend" crap because she's no longer his friend for a while, if she ever even was (I seriously doubt it). She was living her life being a more popular girl than him and thus not giving him the time of the day because there were probably other, more interesting people than "her old friend". Or not? Stop being so gynocentric, guys.
Azusa was deceived, raped, blackmailed, and continues to be raped. But hey I guess he has his life to live, and she has her life to... be raped? It's her problem, I guess, right?
Yes, finally you get it. And she doesn't continue to get raped. It's her choice to go to his house and be his cocksleeve. She could choose any other one thousand possibilities, still she chose to be a cocksleeve.
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Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
I think it already has been shown but if not I'll place it in spoilers.

I'm pretty sure the CF knows it's not the MCs fault at this point. The rapist is also using the MC as leverage to continue raping the CF. In fact, the rapist told the CF that she and the MC are the same in the sense that they both were trying to protect each other during their abuse.

Just checked, that was in the previous chapter, the scumbag says he wants to send some pics of her riding his dick to Sakuraba, and she answers with "Sou-chan has nothing to do with this". So we can infer that she knows he didn't set her up, and that she's willingly sacrificing herself to prevent him from being bullied.

Guess I was seeing red while reading that chapter.

I don't think there has been any explanation on why he hasn't just snuck a coin into her house and teleported straight there to tell her about everything that's happened since.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019
I think people are mistaking this story as that of some good boy of justice having his unique revenge by raping random girls, and then the plot will bend itself to make him the good guy, and everyone else is the bad guy, and the raped childhood friend will then become clean and a virgin again, and then the reader will be happy because she is not used goods anymore and stuff.

I remember people comparing this with Confinement King, which is a story with a shit ton of super natural abilities, and has demons that can literally torture a police officer to the point that she becomes MC's slave.

In short, a generic story of a OP MC having his way of any girl he wants, and he can't be stopped because nobody in the world has supernatural abilities like he has.

I'm not trying to trash Confinement King, it has its appeal too, but it's a different type of story. But I think if people want such type of story with no negatives on the MC's side, you can try reading that.

I think the main point of this story is a bit more unique: Give MC a supernatural ability, but do not overpower it. Also, the Demon is not MC's slave and even if she knows that Asuza is still being raped, she won't tell MC about it. What is her reasoning for this? I have no idea.

So the "heroine" or at least the main supporting character is not one of the good guys.

Another story that I just remembered with a similar plot was, I think, Lust Geass, where MC ends up in contract with a demon, I can't remember the pros and cons, but he had to cheat on his childhood friend, and midway through the story, the childhood friend also got a similar curse and would absentmindedly do shit with others, while she herself would think it was all a dream after she wakes up. I forgot about it until now, and don't know the ending, but I'm sure it shouldn't have been a perfect ending with everyone happy and no regrets or anything.

From what I can see in this story, MC really doesn't know that Asuza is leaving her house, and from his perspective, she literally has not left her room this whole time. One police officer should have noticed this before, but he was alone and checking on MC, so he couldn't tail the unknown person.

As described above, one is trying to protect the other without them knowing each other, and both are kids.

MC may not have noticed it yet, but he is following the same path as the bad guys, slowly getting into the mindset of not caring about others and thinking about his revenge, and he still thinks he has everything in control, and he can stop it at anytime if he wanted.

I do kinda expect some tragic events in the future, which is one of the reasons I find this manga quite amusing.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
Teacher also wants to hurt the girl and defend herself... Nobody is helping Azusa but I'm betting the devil will go to her and she will get a separate revenge independent of everyone else
Double the power for the demon
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
Ah, here we go again. It's her problem and her choice to be a cocksleeve in the first place. And she accused him of being guilty in what happened to her instead of seeking his help. He has his life to live, she wasn't even close to him anymore and she didn't give a damn when he was bullied, so why would he care for her more than she does care for herself?
How is it her choice if the Bully is blackmailing her by saying he is going to release photos of her naked after “sex”, her address, her name, and her school online?

She accused him because the Bully said MC set her up plus the only reason she went to that area is because of the text replies (MULTIPLE) she received from “MC”

There is no evidence showing that she knew of MC being bullied especially by the guy that raped her and is now blackmailing her.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2023
How is it her choice if the Bully is blackmailing her by saying he is going to release photos of her naked after “sex”, her address, her name, and her school online?

She accused him because the Bully said MC set her up plus the only reason she went to that area is because of the text replies (MULTIPLE) she received from “MC”

There is no evidence showing that she knew of MC being bullied especially by the guy that raped her and is now blackmailing her.
1) It's her choice because she could go to police instead. Or take a knife and make a sieve out of him. Or bite his tiny penis off. Possibilities are endless. And it is MOST CERTAINLY not a problem of his old acquaintance she doesn't give a damn about.
2) Of course, who should she believe - the rapist or her "friend"? The rapist, of course, the choice is so obvious! Now go and save her just because, you silly MC!
3) Because she didn't give a damn about the MC to actually know anything about him and his life, despite being a "friend".
Any other delusional statements?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
100% the teacher will be next in his sights.
It’ll be a way to keep the MC from keying/closing in on the main perpetrator (LongHaired Bully) so Asmode will have more power supplies or so author can drag the story out while drawing sex scenes between Billy and Azusa.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
MC too obsessed with revenge for a wronged friend than to check on the wronged friend. Let alone passing along that part of the "buck" is so cowardly imo. If he wants to do something he needs to do it the whole way. Otherwise this revenge is for his powerless self than for others.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
1) It's her choice because she could go to police instead. Or take a knife and make a sieve out of him. Or bite his tiny penis off. Possibilities are endless. And it is MOST CERTAINLY not a problem of his old acquaintance she doesn't give a damn about.
2) Of course, who should she believe - the rapist or her "friend"? The rapist, of course, the choice is so obvious! Now go and save her just because, you silly MC!
3) Because she didn't give a damn about the MC to actually know anything about him and his life, despite being a "friend".
Any other delusional statements?
1. She would be charged for murder or attempted murder. She would have no evidence for her assault. The police in Japan don’t take rape cases that seriously especially in this story. She has been holed up before the missing girls cases and they(the police) haven’t looked into it & solve the issue. What proof do you have that she doesn’t care about MC.

2. She would believe the Bully in that case because this her raped happened all because of “MC’s” text saying he has something to tell her and meet him at the location (meaning she cares about him) where the Bully was waiting and not MC. So she has no other choice but to believe that she was setup by MC.

3. She didn’t know about the bullying because MC didn’t tell her about the bullying. Even in Ch 1 when “MC” texted her if she’s free she immediately asked what happened. Meaning she both cares and wants to know what is going on in his life. So MC would have any opportunity to tell her about the bullying but didn’t. Any more of YOUR delusions?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
Trash MC is still not helping friend. Break into her room and let her know what's what....
He could go to her house under the notion of concern. With him being her childhood friend the parents would allow him to come in. He could slip the coin under her door while trying to talk to her or after her mom announces that MC is there. Later he could use the power to go in and check how she is. This would be a good moment of the author showing whether Asmode is intentionally trying to keep MC away from her or not.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Typical manga teacher/Japanese teacher. Can't let word of an assault on a student get out, it'll damage the reputation of the school, better make sure they commit suicide or something instead by squashing any rumors and letting the culprits walk free.

And yep, you care so much about Azusa that you don't even know that she's sneaking out every night to be used as a cocksleeve by the guy that raped her to start with.
i can understand wanting to sweep it under the rug if the 'assailant' was some rich 'elite' with like parents owning/being ceos of a company but you'd think a suicide would be damaging to their reputation too unless they can shift the blame to the parents or like "mental health"/suicide is basically an 'accepted' thing in japan versus like a criminal targeting someone

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